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Homeboy, Sweet Homeboy

‘Homeboy, Sweet Homeboy’

Season 1, Episode 5 - Aired October 8, 1990

When Will feels home sick for Philly, Aunt Viv invites one of his old friends, Ice Tray (Don Cheadle), to come visit.

Quote from Will

Will: What up on the schoolyard?
Ice Tray: Oh, school, man. I don't bother it, and it don't bother me.
Vivian: You don't go to school, Ice Tray?
Ice Tray: Oh, sure I do. I've been held back in the 10th grade three times in a row.
Vivian: Three times?
Ice Tray: Yeah, see, my motto is, when I find a grade I like, I stick with it.
Carlton: Education is the mortar that builds the temple of success. That's what I personally think.
Ice Tray: [scoffs] Like who cares?


Quote from Philip

Ashley: Come on, Daddy. Tray's on vacation.
Ice Tray: See, my motto is, "Lord, if there's anything like work around my heart, please remove it."
Will: Hey, hey, hey, hey. I smell something greasy.
Philip: [to Carlton] Too easy.

Quote from Will

Ice Tray: Oh, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, man. Could I get $100?
Philip: For what?
Ice Tray: To pay the limo dude.
Philip: You took a limo?
Ice Tray: Oh, Prince said y'all was loaded, and when in Rome, do as.
Philip: $100?
Ice Tray: Look, I got a cash flow problem. You see, my Korean Gucci bags, they just ain't been moving lately.
Will: Yo, Tray, let's pay the dude. What's up with the Blake sisters, they still live on 43rd St.?
Ice Tray: Oh, yeah, man, they got their own 900 number now.

Quote from Carlton

Carlton: Sheesh. He's some piece of work.
Philip: We're getting a rottweiler.
Vivian: Now, I know he seems rough around the edges but we should all give him a chance. When you really look at it, how different is Ice Tray from Carlton?
Carlton: With all due respect, Mom, I think he's a little fonder of the 10th grade than l.

Quote from Will

Ice Tray: This is dope, man. Look at this. Crystal, china dolls, a book. Man, you know people are rich when they got all this stuff they ain't got no use for. "Crime and Punishment". Ooh.
Will: Oh, man, that's just some tired old book Carlton's reading.
Ice Tray: Oh, really? "From the library of Master William Smith." Who's tired now, homey?
Will: Oh, man, they're trying to force us to read that at school. I ain't gonna read it.
Ice Tray: Wait. This is your handwriting. "Intriguing duality?" Ah, same old Prince, man. You know, when I first met you, you was carrying books in a pizza box so nobody knew you were studying.
Will: Yeah, that was cool, till them guys jumped me, trying to steal my pizza. Yo, they was upset.
Ice Tray: You got a good deal here, homey. Don't blow it.

Quote from Philip

Philip: Vivian, I think you're blowing this whole thing out of proportion. Now, just tell me the story again. And this time, just the facts.
Vivian: I'll give you a transcript, Philip. Tray: "Hi." Hilary: "Hi." [joins hands together]
Philip: I don't get it. What could she possibly see in him?
Vivian: Well, he's got a nice smile, and cool hair.
Philip: Hair? I thought it was a hat.

Quote from Hilary

Hilary: I think I should have gotten a larger tattoo, Tray.
Vivian: Tattoo?
Hilary: I, like, got a tattoo of Tray's initials.
Vivian: Where?
Ice Tray: Oh, don't worry, Mrs. Banks. No one will ever see it.
Hilary: I'm gonna go put this stuff up in my bedroom.
Ice Tray: I'll go with you.
Philip: So will l.

Quote from Will

Will: Aunt Viv, you got to be proud of yourself.
Vivian: Well, pride doesn't quite capture it, Will.
Will: I mean, it was your idea to bring Tray out here. Hilary used to walk around all the time with such a sour look on her face. I used to say to myself, she just needs one good... friend, Aunt Vivian.
Vivian: He does seem like an interesting young man.
Will: And, you've only seen one side of him. He's just joking around, but he can be real serious.
Vivian: Really?
Will: Seriously. I mean, if somebody's chasing him, he can jack a fence like that. But if somebody catch him, it don't matter. The boy got a crazy rabbit punch, like you don't even see it coming. Bang! You out of there.

Quote from Carlton

Vivian: You two make such a lovely, lovely couple.
Carlton: Dad, has Mom been drinking?
Philip: Nonsense, Carlton. She's just being polite to our lovely houseguest.
Carlton: Have you been drinking?

Quote from Will

Philip: Okay, I think escargots all around for starters.
Will: [off Ice Tray's confused look] Snails.
Ice Tray: Oh, no, no. I don't eat nothing that leaves a trail.
Hilary: God, Tray, you slay me.
Will: He busts me up.

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