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Over the Hills and Far Away

‘Over the Hills and Far Away’

Season 5, Episode 6 - Aired November 19, 2002

Red and Kitty take Eric, Hyde, Kelso and Fez on an overnight visit to the University of Wisconsin. Meanwhile, Donna and Jackie tour a private school.

Quote from Jackie

Jackie: Donna? I hate it here, and I want to go home.
Donna: Wait, what's wrong? Was there a height requirement for the cheerleading team?
Jackie: No, it was awful! And when the cheerleaders were yelling, "Go, team, go", all I was hearing was Steven saying, "Good to know. Good to know!"
Donna: Jackie, your problem is, is you're always trying to force people into doing stuff.
Jackie: Oh! I do not, Donna. Now, you feel sorry for me right now.
Donna: You can't make someone like Hyde do anything. You have to deal with him the way he deals with you. Look, pretend you don't care what he does, and he'll come around.
Jackie: Well, I guess it's worth a try. You know, being with a real man is complicated. You are so lucky you're with Eric.


Quote from Red

Kitty: What a wonderful weekend! We should go away more often! [exits]
Red: They gotta make a pill for this.

Quote from Eric

Eric: I know you love Marquette, and I made my peace with that. So if that means we're gonna go to separate schools and drift apart and make out with guys named Ted, then- That's just the way it's gonna be, because you're gonna get menopause and I'm gonna die, and we can't control anything that happens to us!
Donna: I'm not going to Marquette.
Eric: Well, then never mind.
Donna: I mean, Eric, I loved it, and when I was driving home I was so excited to tell you about it and then the drive took forever. And I realized, that's how far away I'd be from you all the time. And I don't want that. So I'll just tell my dad I want to go to U.W. with you.
Eric: Donna, you have no idea how happy you just made me.
Donna: [laughs] Eric, this is gonna be great! We're gonna be together all the time.
Eric: Oh, um, you're not gonna get all clingy, right?
Donna: [laughs] Shut up.
Eric: Now, come on. I'm gonna be a big college man.
Donna: Uh-huh.
Eric: I'm gonna need my space.

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