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Season 6, Episode 7 - Aired December 17, 2003

Eric and friends attend their former high school's Christmas dance. Meanwhile, Red takes a job as a mall Santa.

Quote from Hyde

Hyde: Are you telling me I came to this hellhole for nothing?
Jackie: No, not for nothing, Steven. I realize these girls aren't my friends anymore. I learned something about myself.
Hyde: Oh, well, isn't that...
Jackie: Okay, well, if it makes you feel any better, I get to keep the uniform.
Hyde: Yeah, that helps.
Jackie: Yeah.


Quote from Fez

Fez: You set me up! "Sing a song, they'll all love you." Well, I'm gonna spend Christmas in a locker.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: [shakes gift] Jigsaw puzzle. [shakes gift] Baseball glove. [shakes gift] Barbie doll tea set.
Brooke: Wow, you're good at this.
Kelso: Yeah, I've had a little practice. [shakes gift] Ant farm. [shakes gift] It's a Lone Ranger cap gun set.

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