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Season 2, Episode 2 - Aired September 22, 2016

The Cloud 9 employees continue their strike in a bid to get Glenn rehired.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Why not try to get more than Glenn's job back, right? I mean, we're already on strike.
Amy: We're not on strike.
Jonah: We're already on expression of discontentedness. Why not ask for things like... like, uh, better health insurance?
Sandra: And we don't get paid for overtime, even when we work overtime.
Jonah: There you go, Sandra.
Dougie: Yeah, they should let us vape in the store, right?
Jonah: Well...


Quote from Jeff

Amy: I'm sorry, excuse me. This is an apology letter. Are you asking us to apologize for walking out?
Jeff: I know it's annoying, but you're gonna have to give Corporate a little something.
Amy: Oh. We're supposed to give Corporate a little something. That's hilarious because you fired our boss for giving Cheyenne maternity leave. You don't give us overtime. You don't give us health insurance, and we're not allowed to vape in the store. Myrtle's got a...
Jonah: Maybe not as high up on the priority list.
Jeff: Okay, can I offer some advice? You guys walked out with no planning. You have no experience. I can see the tag on your sleeve. My point is you're just in way over your heads. So sign the letter. Say thank you. And then don't do anything you're gonna regret.

Quote from Jonah

Amy: Guys, if we go in there asking for everything, we're gonna get nothing, okay? We need to get Glenn's job back.
Dougie: [high-pitched voice] Oh, so just like that and the vaping thing, huh? [normal voice] Yeah, good idea, madam.
Jonah: Dougie, we all know that's you. You're the only one who vapes.

Quote from Amy

Amy: We are on strike!
Jonah: We are still on strike!
Amy: Why do you have to be like that? We are on strike for the first time!

Quote from Amy

Amy: Tomorrow we're gonna come back with signs.
Jonah: We're gonna have T-shirts.
Amy: T-shirts.
Jonah: We're gonna have one of those big, inflatable rats.
Amy: Yes, and we are gonna...
Dougie: Burn down the store!
Amy: Um, good energy, Dougie.
Jonah: I like where your head's at.
Amy: No bad ideas.

Quote from Amy

Myrtle: Someone needs to clean the porta potty.
Amy: What porta potty?
All: Boycott Cloud 9! Boycott Cloud 9!
Amy: Oh, God. [over bullhorn] Okay, everybody needs to stay out of the garden shed.

Quote from Garrett

All: Boycott Cloud 9!
Garrett: Excuse me. I know this looks like Coachella, but if you were waiting for the bands to start playing, you're gonna be sorely disappointed.
Nikki: I'm actually here to support. You know, if anyone's gonna protest a big-box store, I'm there.
Garrett: Oh, okay, well, I guess it's cool to have hobbies. If I wasn't here, I'd just be at home shooting Hellspawn. I'm sorry, that's a reference to...
Nikki: Dead Chaser 4.
Garrett: Yeah.
Nikki: Yeah, I know. I mean, how much better is it than Dead Chaser 3? I mean, now when you shoot people in the head...
Both: Their brains come out.
Garrett: Well, I'm having a good day. I am having a very good day.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: I ordered a rat, but there was a mix-up at the rental house. We got the teddy bear, and I guess there's a a five-year-old in Crestwood having a horrifying birthday party.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Look, I want you to know that not all Christians are bigots, okay? That one is. That's Maggie. She goes to my church. She thinks she's so great because she has a karaoke machine.

Quote from Dina

Dina: [over bullhorn] Please disperse! This is your final warning.
Amy: You're gonna turn a pressure washer on us?
Garrett: Yeah, that could legit kill somebody.
Dina: Yeah, that's why it's a deterrent. Whoa, whoa, oh! [glass smashes]
Garrett: That's my new car!
Amy: What are you doing? Turn it off!
Dina: I'm trying. [glass smashes]
Glenn: Why are you doing this?
Dina: I... think I've made my point. [all scream]

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