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Season 5, Episode 10 - Aired December 12, 2019

Amy is nervous as Jonah and Sandra head to Corporate for the union contract negotiations. Meanwhile, Glenn, Mateo and Garrett compete to sell awful clearance items.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Are you shopping? I thought all the customers had left.
Man: Well, I really need ice cream cones.
Glenn: You stay right here. You're not getting out of this store without a pig shoe.
Garrett: Hey, someone's still here. Do you like popcorn but wish the process was more complicated?
Mateo: There he is! The man born to wear this sweater.
Man: I really just need ice cream cones.
Glenn: Hello, again.
Man: Leave me alone! Get away from me! Get away from me!


Quote from Amy

Amy: Okay, guys, we need to stop talking about this and get back to work.
Cheyenne: Oh, I know! We could all help bring in the Christmas tree.
Sayid: What Christmas tree?
Amy: Do you mean the tree that fell on the transformer? Is it a Christmas tree? That's such a fun guess, Cheyenne. I would've guessed maple, but that's just me. Someone should be writing these down just to see who gets closest.

Quote from Mateo

Garrett: No one left to sell to.
Glenn: Yeah, I guess we should call it a draw.
Mateo: Yeah, it's too bad. I bet someone would've really loved this. I mean, it's so warm and soft.
Glenn: Ooh, like a bird belly.
Mateo: Also, is it getting chilly in here?
Garrett: Glenn, you know what he's doing, right?
Glenn: Yeah, I know. We're just talking.
Mateo: It might be nice to warm it up like cocoa and just snuggle in.
Glenn: Oh, that does sound nice.
Garrett: Glenn, look at me. You gave Mateo that sweater because it's terrible.
Glenn: Yeah.
Garrett: Besides, the microwave doesn't even work during a blackout.
Glenn: Yeah.
Mateo: It's a great color. It's medium.
Glenn: Medium? That used to be my size.

Quote from Marcus

Amy: Oh, my God. They did it. They made a deal.
Cheyenne: They did it?
Sayid: Can't believe they did it.
Marcus: Yep, he text me, too. Got it a couple of minutes ago. Didn't want to make you feel bad.

Quote from Amy

Jonah: I didn't know that eight people could sidebar, but they all went. I mean, at some point, Sandra and I are the sidebar, right?
Amy: Yeah, I mean, sidebar is two, three people max... At least on The Good Wife.
Jonah: Wait, are we having one right now?
Amy: Is this my first sidebar?
Jonah: We're having one.
Amy: Oh, my God. It's so exciting.

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