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Delivery Day

‘Delivery Day’

Season 4, Episode 5 -  Aired November 1, 2018

Amy goes into labor the same day Dina is set to go to the hospital to have Glenn and Jerusha's baby. Back at the store, Garrett struggles to think up a funny thing to write in the congratulations cards.

Quote from Amy

Garrett: Uh, Glenn, can I give you a call if I really, really, miss you?
Glenn: Aww, of course you can. Any other questions? [Amy raises her hand] Yes?
Amy: Do you have any room in your car? I think maybe my water just broke.
All: Oh!
Jonah: No, no. You're not due for another three weeks.
Amy: Oh yeah, that's right. Never mind.


Quote from Carol

Carol: Thanks a lot, Amy. You got it on my shoes.
Mateo: Oh, no, those shoes were so cool.

Quote from Dina

Glenn: See Dina? Amy had her baby early. Was that so hard?
Dina: You're such a kiss-ass.
Amy: I didn't choose today.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Hey, Amy! Look quick I see a hummingbird out my window. Do you see it?
Amy: Uh-huh.
Dina: I don't think you're really looking.
Amy: I am.
Dina: What color is it?
Amy: Green?
Dina: Yeah, okay. It's nice, right?
Amy: So nice.

Quote from Amy

Jonah: Okay, uh, you seem to be all set, so I guess I'm gonna go?
Amy: Oh.
Jonah: I mean, I don't have to. I'm fine staying here-
Amy: No, no, no, no.
Jonah: Or if you want me to stay I can-
Amy: You can go if-
Jonah: [stammers] You tell me what you want me to do.
Amy: Um, well, I mean, I don't want you to feel like you have to stay, but I don't want you to feel like you can't stay.
Jonah: Okay, cool, so then I'll just... Sorry, still no idea.
Amy: [sighs] I think I want you here, but, like, not here-here. Just like, around. You know how like at The Cheesecake Factory they give you a buzzer and you just have to stay within a certain radius?
Jonah: Buzzer radius, got it. Okay. So, yeah, I'll just stay in the general vicinity at an appropriate distance for a guy you're dating who is not the father.

Quote from Dina

Glenn: That makes no sense. You would get sick.
Dina: I'm not saying you wouldn't get sick. I'm just saying that every arrangement is technically an edible arrangement.
Jerusha: Glenn, today is all about Dina. If she wants to eat the flowers, let her eat the flowers.

Quote from Dina

Dr. Sidian: Knock-knock. Hi. I'm Dr. Sidian, I'm the attending on the floor.
Dina: Holy crap.
Dr. Sidian: I know Dr. Meyer is on her way, but in case you guys need anything before she gets here, I'm around.
Dina: Yeah.
Dr. Sidian: Any questions, pain meds, perfect martini.
Dina: [laughs] Martini. [British accent] Shaken, not stirred, Mr. Bond.
Dr. Sidian: [laughs] That's Dr. Bond.
Dina: Oh, wow, yes!
Dr. Sidian: I'm around. Give me a call. [exits]

Quote from Amy

Jonah: So Adam doesn't know about us?
Amy: No, because I- I- I- didn't want to tell him.
Jonah: Oh. Okay.
Amy: I mean, not- not- not because we're doing something wrong. It's just that, um... Just didn't seem like that big of a deal.
Jonah: Oh, okay, well that makes me feel better.

Quote from Amy

Lillian: So, you could pay out of pocket, but the room is about two grand a night.
Jonah: Whoa. Or there's a clinic nearby that accepts your insurance.
Amy: Okay, and the clinic is good, right?
Lillian: It's been there for years.
Amy: That didn't answer my question.

Quote from Amy

Amy: Oh, God. [overlapping coughs]
Jonah: Can I finish complaining about healthcare inequality now?
Amy: No.

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