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The Visa

‘The Visa’

Season 4, Episode 15 -  Aired January 27, 1993

When George dates a lawyer who thinks he's hilarious, he worries that she might find his friends funnier than him. Meanwhile, Jerry promises to help Babu Bhatt with an immigration issue.

Quote from George

George: So you're a lawyer. What kind of cases do you handle?
Cheryl: Oh, everything. Divorce, patents, immigration and naturalization.
George: What is that, immigrants come over, you show them how to act natural?
Cheryl: [laughs] Are your friends as funny as you?
George: No, they're not funny at all. No, I have no funny friends. I'm the funny one. El Clowno.


Quote from George

Jerry: Hey, listen. If you're gonna go out with this lawyer, why don't you have dinner with us and then maybe you can go to the auto show with her if you want? You know, have a little company, take the pressure off.
[fantasy: As George and Cheryl dine with Jerry and Elaine, Cheryl is laughing uproariously at Jerry:]
Jerry: He never heard of corduroy!
Cheryl: Stop it, you're killing me!
Jerry: He never heard of corduroy! True story, true story.
George: No, no I don't think so.
Elaine: Why?
George: Well, I think I'm better off going one-on-one.

Quote from Elaine

George: What are you doing here? I thought you said you hated Isabella's?
Elaine: No, I talked him into it.
George: What happened to the auto show?
Jerry: Oh, we're still going, we're still going. Elaine, do the spokes model.
Elaine: "The turbo quadramatic transmission offers you the power and prestige to propel you well into the 21st century."

Quote from George

Elaine: Okay, well, why don't we just put these two tables together?
George: No, no, you can't do that, they're round, it makes an 'eight' and... Yeah, well all right.
Elaine: Jerry? Jerry, tell them that funny story you were telling me.
George: No! No.
Elaine: No, George, it's so funny. We saw this cab driver's picture, right?
George: You know we should really order. The service is so slow here, by the time you get anything...

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Oh, Cheryl, can I ask you a legal question? Um, I'm being sued.
Cheryl: Oh? What happened?
Elaine: Well, I ran out to apologize to a virgin and I crossed against the light and I knocked over the delivery boy.
Cheryl: Was he Chinese?
Elaine: Yeah.
Cheryl: Is your last name Benes?
Jerry: How did you know?
Cheryl: Oh, God. Ping is my cousin!
Elaine: No!
Jerry: That's so funny!
Cheryl: I'm handling his case!
Elaine: What? You're Cheryl Fong?
Cheryl: That's right! [all laugh]
Elaine: Oh, my God, I can't believe it! That is such a coincidence!
Cheryl: Yeah, I know!
Elaine: Wow, well, I guess you don't have any advice for me on how to win the case?

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: This is so ridiculous. Can we just go over there?
Jerry: I don't have to be funny, I don't care.
George: You don't?
Jerry: No way! It's completely under my control.
Elaine: No, it's not. You cannot not be funny.
Jerry: Of course I can, am I being funny now?
Elaine: A little.
Jerry: Oh, this is funny? I'm being funny?
Elaine: Yeah.
Jerry: George, is this funny?
George: It's funny. [to Elaine] And it wouldn't kill you to not be so funny either.
Elaine: What? What did I do?

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Then Hank Bauer, you know, he's screaming, "Mickey! Mickey! What have you done with Mickey? You killed Mickey!"
Elaine: So what did you do?
Kramer: Well, I got the hell out of there.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: They took Babu away!
Elaine: They took Babu away?!
Jerry: Yeah, the Immigration guy said his Visa was expired. Poor Babu. Everything was going so well for him. He had an apartment, he had a job. What a shame.
Babu: [shouts from the street] Jerry! Jerry! Help me!
Jerry: I will, Babu! I will help you, Babu, don't worry!

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Uh-oh.
Elaine: What?
Jerry: Well, this is interesting.
Elaine: What is it?
Jerry: It's a letter from the Immigration Bureau. It's Babu's Visa renewal application form. They must have put it in my mailbox by mistake.
Kramer: Well, doesn't he need that?

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Listen, gosh, I wanted to thank you so much for convincing Ping to drop the case.
Cheryl: Well, after we met, you were all so nice. I just couldn't go through with it. But between you and me, you would have paid through the nose.
Elaine: [laughing] You're kidding.
Cheryl: [laughing] No, I'm not.

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