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The Handicap Spot

‘The Handicap Spot’

Season 4, Episode 22 -  Aired May 13, 1993

Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer cause trouble when they park in a handicapped spot at the mall.

Quote from George

Jerry: You don't like the Drake?
George: Hate the Drake.
Elaine: I love the Drake.
Jerry: How could you not like the Drake?
George: Who's the Drake?
Elaine: "Who's the Drake"?
Jerry: The Drake is good!
George: Eh.
Elaine: So listen, what are you gonna get him?
George: I haven't even met the fiancee! Whatever!


Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Elaine, look. I drew this triangle free-hand. It's a doodle. It's perfect!
Elaine: So what? That's easy.
Jerry: Easy?

Quote from Kramer

Elaine: Hi! Hey, have you gotten your present yet for the Drake?
Kramer: Uh, no, no, not yet.
Jerry: Do you like the Drake?
Kramer: I love the Drake! I'm looking forward to meeting the Drakette!
Elaine: I'm lukewarm about the Drakette.

Quote from Jerry

Elaine: Hey, you know what, maybe we should all chip in for the gift.
Jerry: The chip-in!
Elaine: Hey, a pretty good idea, huh?
Jerry: Yeah!
Kramer: Yeah, the chip-in, definitely!

Quote from George

Jerry: What about your father's car?
George: No, no, no. Out of the question. I was over there today. He's got the good spot in front of the good building in the good neighborhood. I know he's not gonna wanna move.
Jerry: Are you serious?
George: You don't know what that spot means to him. Once he gets it, he doesn't go out for weeks.
Jerry: How about this, you put your car in the good spot, that'll hold the good spot in front of the good building, and we can get the good car.
George: Good thinking.
Jerry: Good to meet you.

Quote from Jerry

George: I like this area. I could live out here.
Kramer: Yeah, we ought to all get a house and live together.
Jerry: Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll tell you what chuckles, I give you permission to sublet my room right now.

Quote from George

George: He's right! It's the same thing with the feminists. You know, they want everything to be equal, everything! But when the check comes, where are they?
Elaine: What does that mean?

Quote from George

Jerry: Do you believe the deal we got on this? A big screen TV? At that price?
Elaine: What a sale, huh? And how about that store, delivering it tonight? We're gonna be swimming in 'thank you's...
George: What did I get the veggie burger for? You got a veggie burger, so I had to get the veggie burger. It's like eating a loaf of crumbs.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Hey, what's going on over here?
Elaine: Must have been an accident.
Jerry: [to a woman] Hey, what's going on?
Woman: Some jerk parked in a handicap spot, so this woman in a wheelchair had to wheel up this incline, and half way up her batteries gave up, and she rolled backwards into the wall. Had to take her to St. Elizabeth's...
Jerry: Is she OK?
Woman: I don't know. We're just waiting here for the owner of this car to show up. He may not get out alive! Lazy buy, taking up a handicap spot. He's gonna pay!
Jerry: Son's of bitches! Good luck finding them... him... whatever. I'd like to stick around and get my hands on him myself, but I gotta take off.

Quote from George

George: What are we gonna do? How are we gonna get out of here?
Jerry: The thing is, even if we go back by the car, and they're not there, how do we know they're not all hiding, waiting for us?
Elaine: Well, they have to give up some time. They can't stay out there all night?
Jerry: What are we, John Dillinger? I mean, how did this get to be the crime of the century? It's not like we stuck a broomstick in her spokes and she went flying.
George: What I don't get is, just because the batteries went dead, you'd think she'd be able to roll up the hill with her hands!
Kramer: You'd think.
George: I mean, batteries have gone dead before, aren't they prepared for that?
Kramer: You know, most of them don't even have batteries.
George: Must have been one of those rich, spoiled handicapped people, who didn't want to do any work, and
just wanted to sit in her wheelchair and take it easy.

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