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The Fix-Up

‘The Fix-Up’

Season 3, Episode 16 - Aired February 5, 1992

Jerry and Elaine fix the perpetually single George up with her friend Cynthia (Maggie Wheeler).

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Oh, by the way, George, you know those condoms I gave you? They're defective, don't use them.
George: What?
Kramer: Right.
George: Defective?!
Kramer: Defective.
George: [attacks Kramer] How could you give me a defective condom?!
Kramer: I didn't even know they were defective. Didn't even think you were gonna use them.
George: What do you mean you didn't think I wasn't gonna use them?!
Jerry: Take it easy, you guys. Just spread out! Don't worry about it. If anything was wrong she would have called you already!


Quote from Elaine

Cynthia: I missed my period.
Elaine: [gasps] Oh, my God.
Cynthia: I am very worried. I am never late.
Elaine: But he used a condom, right?
Cynthia: I know, but these things aren't always foolproof.
Elaine: Oh, no.
Cynthia: What?
Elaine: Was it blue?
Cynthia: Yeah. How'd you know?
Elaine: Just a hunch.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: So tell me. What's the problem with your little flaky friend? She doesn't return calls?
Elaine: Who are you to talk about her like that? She'll call him when she's good and ready. You don't even know her.
Jerry: Oh, I know her. I know her type.
Elaine: Her type? What type?
Jerry: The type that doesn't return phone calls. I knew we shouldn't have done this. It was a bad idea in the first place, I told you!
Elaine: You told me? You pushed this whole thing on me, it was your idea!
Jerry: I was just trying to help your bitter, twisted friend.
Elaine: She's not bitter!
Jerry: Well, bitter's a judgement call, but she's twisted!

Quote from Kramer

Elaine: Are you calling me a liar?
Jerry: I'm calling you one if you are one, are you a liar?
Elaine: Are you?
Jerry: Get your finger out of my face.
Elaine: You get yours out, I was here first!
Jerry: I don't care.
Elaine: Get it out!
Kramer: [enters] Hey, hey, all right. Hey, hey, stop it! Come on, break it up! What's the matter with you? Now, don't you two see that you're in love with each other? I mean, why can't you face that already? You're running around out there looking for something that's not even there, when everything that you dream of is right here. Right here in front of you. Now, why can't you admit that?

Quote from Elaine

Cynthia: So he shows up. He's all out of breath. He's disheveled. And he tells me that no matter what happens, whatever I decide is fine with him and that I could depend on him, and that he would be there to support me in whatever way I need. Elaine, I was speechless.
Elaine: Wow. Wow. You see? You think you know somebody.
Cynthia: I said to him, "I really appreciate this, but I just got my period."

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