‘The Engagement’
Season 7, Episode 1 - Aired September 21, 1995
Fed up with their love lives, Jerry and George vow to make a change. George follows through by proposing to Susan. Meanwhile, Elaine is tormented by a loud dog.
Quote from George
Jerry: Anyway, you should be happy you're engaged. You're getting married.
George: Well, it's not that. I just, you know, I thought that we were both uh...
Jerry: You thought I was gonna get married?
George: Well, maybe not married, but...
Jerry: I mean, you love Susan, right?
George: Yeah.
Jerry: You want to spend the rest of your life with her?
George: [pause] Yeah.
Quote from Newman
Elaine: That's it. That's it. Stop right here.
Newman: [sings] How much is the doggie in the window?
Elaine: Will you shut up?
Kramer: Is that a new song?
Quote from Newman
Newman: All right, give me the rope.
Elaine: What? What do you need a rope for?
Newman: Look, I don't have time to explain every little thing to you.
Elaine: I don't know. Now, I'm thinking maybe we shouldn't do this.
Newman: I knew you'd back out.
Quote from Kramer
Elaine: Kramer, are we doing a bad thing?
Kramer: Well, look at it this way. We drop the dog off in front of somebody's house in the country. They find it and adopt it. Now the dog is prancing in the fields. Dancing and prancing. Fresh air, dandelions. We're doing this dog a huge favor. [dog barks]
Elaine: Yeah. That's him.
Newman: All right. I'm going in. Keep the motor running.
Quote from George
George: Um, I don't uh, really think I can go.
Jerry: Oh, how come?
George: Well, I didn't really tell Susan about it, and she doesn't really have anything else to do.
Jerry: Well, she could come.
George: Well, she doesn't really want to see Firestorm.
Jerry: Oh.
George: She um, she wants to see The Muted Heart.
Jerry: Oh, The Muted Heart. Glen Close. Sally Field. Well, that should be good.
George: Yeah. see you later.
Jerry: Hey, wait a second. You know, we could share a cab. They're playing at the same Cineplex.
Susan Ross: [o.s.] George, better get read
George: I am ready.
Susan Ross: [pokes head around corner] You wearing that shirt?
George: Okay, I guess I'll see you down there.
Quote from Elaine
Elaine: Where is it? Where is it? This? This is the dog?
Newman: Yep.
Elaine: But he's so small.
Newman: Yeah, but he's a fighter.
Elaine: That can't be the dog. Are you sure you got the right one?
Newman: Look, you said the one in the second courtyard. He was in the second courtyard.
Elaine: How could that be the dog?
Kramer: Well, get him to bark.
Elaine: Yeah. Yeah. I'll know if he barks.
Newman: All right. Bark.
Elaine: Bark.
Newman: Bark.
Quote from George
Susan Ross: Did you like it?
George: Yes, it was very, very good.
Susan Ross: Oh, do you think he'll ever find her again?
George: Oh, I sure hope so.
Jerry: How about when Harrison Ford jumped out of that plane, and he was shooting back at them as he was falling?
Mario Joyner: What about that underwater escape?
Jerry: Oh, man!
Quote from George
George: [answers phone] Hello?
Jerry: Hey, MSG is rerunning the Yankee game. You watching this?
George: They are?
Susan Ross: George, you coming to bed? I taped Mad About You.
George: [to Susan] Uh, yeah, I'll be there in a minute.
Jerry: What was that?
George: Uh, nothing. I got to go.
Jerry: Oh, Mattingly just singled .
George: You know, it was really wrong of you to back out on that deal.
Jerry: I didn't make a deal. I just shook your hand.
George: Yeah, well that's a deal where I come from.
Jerry: We come from the same place.
Susan Ross: George, I'm starting it.
George: I got to go.
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: So, tell me anyway. Who was the big mastermind?
Elaine: Oh, I can't Jerry. I'm sworn to secrecy.
Jerry: All right. But then I can't tell you the big news.
Elaine: News? What news?
Jerry: Sorry!
Elaine: What? What?
Jerry: All right, Elaine. But this is beyond news. This is like Pearl Harbor. Or the Kennedy assassination. It's like not even news. It's total shock.
Elaine: Oh, come on, Jerry. Please, please, please, please, please!
Jerry: George Costanza...
Elaine: Yeah?
Jerry: Is getting married!
Elaine: Get out! [pushes Jerry]
Quote from Kramer
Kramer: [answers door] Hi.
Police Officer You Cosmo Kramer:?
Kramer: Uh, yes. Yeah.
Police Officer You recognize this piece of fabric?
Kramer: Oh, yeah, that's...
Police Officer What?
Kramer: What?
Police Officer You're under arrest.
Kramer: Arrest?
Police OfficerI have a receipt for a rental car with your signature. Including a report with some damage to the rear seat. It seems the spring was so compressed that they completely collapsed the right side.
Jerry: Newman.