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The Doodle

‘The Doodle’

Season 6, Episode 20 - Aired April 6, 1995

George is offended by a doodle his girlfriend drew of him. Elaine needs to read a manuscript ahead of a job interview at a publisher. Meanwhile, Jerry's apartment is fumigated when he has fleas.

Quote from George

Jerry: So?
George: Don't you see what this is?
Jerry: Yeah, it's a doodle.
George: Yeah, a doodle of me. Look at the size of the nose, the ears... All my features are distorted.
Jerry: Oh, it's an affectionate caricature.
George: I'm grotesque. I look like a troll.
Jerry: It's just a drawing.
George: Don't you see what this says? How could you possibly like somebody if you think they look like this?


Quote from George

George: Listen, when is your next drawing class?
Elaine: Tomorrow.
George: I want you to do me a favor.
Elaine: What?
George: I want you to find out if she likes me.
Elaine: Find out if she likes you? What, are you in high school? George, come on. Can't you just, like, talk to her yourself?
George: Then she's gonna know that I like her more than she likes me.
Jerry: You know, my parents are coming, and I've gotta clean up. So if you and Potsie are done scheming....

Quote from Jerry

Helen Seinfeld: What's wrong?
Jerry: Nothing.
Helen Seinfeld: Jerry, I'm your mother. Now, what is it?
Jerry: Mom, Dad... I have fleas.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Paula, I hear you've been going out with George Costanza.
Paula: How did you know?
Elaine: Everybody knows. You know, George told me he thinks you're totally cute and everything.
Paula: He said that?
Elaine: Do you like George?
Paula: Yeah. He's cool.
Elaine: No, I mean, do you like him or do you "like him" like him?
Paula: "Like" like. Looks aren't that important to me, you know?
Teacher: Ms. Benes, are you chewing gum?
Elaine: Uh-huh. [spits it into the trash can]

Quote from Jerry

Elaine: What about you? Where are you gonna stay?
Jerry: I'm gonna ask Shelly, but she still might be upset about the masticated pecan incident.

Quote from Jerry

Elaine: Hey, I found out from Paula, she likes George. I bet he'll be relieved.
Jerry: Eh, when he's dead, he'll be relieved.

Quote from George

George: Those were her exact words, "l like George"?
Elaine: Yep.
George: [laughs] How do you like that? Jerry, how do you like that? You see, I get myself into a tizzy, I'm all worked up, and for what?
Elaine: For nothing. In fact, she said looks weren't that important.
George: You see... What?
Elaine: Uh-oh.
George: She said...? She said looks aren't that important to her?
Elaine: Let me rephrase that. She...
George: She thinks I'm ugly. I knew it.

Quote from George

Elaine: The point, George, is she likes you.
George: Oh, so what? I'd rather she hate me and thought I was good-looking. Then at least I could get somebody else.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Thank God I found you. Do you still have that FedEx?
Jerry: In the apartment. But we can't go in. It's being fumigated.
Elaine: I'll take my chances. Come on, come on.

Quote from Kramer

Jerry: Didn't you see the sign on the door?
Kramer: Well, I thought it was so your parents wouldn't walk in while you were with a girl.

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