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The Chicken Roaster

‘The Chicken Roaster’

Season 8, Episode 8 -  Aired November 14, 1996

Kramer is kept awake by the neon sign of a Kenny Rogers Roasters across the street. Elaine risks losing her job after buying George an expensive hat on the Peterman account.

Quote from George

George: [wearing Russian hat] Hey.
Jerry: Hey, why didn't you get the big one?
George: This hat just bottles in the heat. I don't even need a coat. It's unbelievable.
Jerry: I don't believe it.


Quote from Kramer

Jerry: What's going on in there?
Kramer: What?
Jerry: The light!
Kramer: Oh, the red. Yeah, it's the chicken roaster sign. It's right across my window.
Jerry: Can't you shut the shades?
Kramer: They are shut.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Seth, if you knew the meeting was so important why did you go the lunch with me?
Seth: We're old college buddies.
Jerry: I only knew you through Moochie.
Seth: Hey, Jerry, don't worry about it. The important thing is that we got to catch up. Mind if I grab the want ads?
Jerry: Actually, I haven't read Tank McNamara yet.

Quote from Jerry

Kramer: All right, that's it I gotta move in with you Jerry. [Kramer spills the tomato cereal on Jerry's wall]
Jerry: I don't know Kramer, my only concern is that... [Kramer cleans the spill with a dish rag] together after a while we might start to get on each others nerves a little. [Kramer wrings the rag into the tomato juice and puts it back in the freezer]
Kramer: All right, listen to me. I got a great idea. You're a heavy sleeper, right? Why don't we switch apartments?
Jerry: Or I could sleep in the park. You could knock these walls down, make it an eight room luxury suite.
Kramer: Jerry, these are lode baring walls. They're not gonna come down!
Jerry: Yeah, that's no good.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: I may have to drive that place out of business.
Jerry: How you gonna do that?
Kramer: Like we did in the '60s, taking in to the streets.

Quote from George

Heather: [answers phone] Hello?
George: Heather. Hi, it's George Costanza.
Heather: Oy!
George: Ah, listen. I don't mean to bother you but, silly me, I think I may have left my hat in your apartment. So I thought I'd just come by later and pick it up.
Heather: You didn't leave a hat here.
George: I'm pretty sure I left it behind the cushion of the chair... accidentally.
Heather: No hat. George, I gotta go.
George: You know what? Maybe I'll just come- [dial tone] Hey. Hey.

Quote from Jerry

Seth: Jerry. Hi. What do you think?
Jerry: I think you're taking the trash out for this chicken place, but that couldn't be.
Seth: Yeah, I'm the new manager
Jerry: But your were an executive. This is fast food.
Seth: Not fast food. Good food quickly. Hey, next time, lunch will be on me, Jer?

Quote from Kramer

[Bathed in red light, Kramer opens his window and drapes out a sign reading "Bad Chicken"]
Kramer: Hey, stay away from the chicken! Bad chicken! Mess you up!
Seth: That's not going to be good for business.
Jerry: That's not going to be good for anybody.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Jerry, I'm so glad we switched apartments. It was the perfect solution.
Jerry: Look, Kramer, if I'm gonna live over there, you gotta take some of this stuff out. I mean, this thing is really freaking me out. I feel like its gonna come to life in the middle of the night and kill me.
Kramer: What, Mr. Marbles? He's harmless.
Jerry: And one other thing, I don't want Newman using my...
[As a flush sounds, Newman walks out of the bathroom]
Jerry: Oh, no.
Newman: Nice place you got here, Kramer. A man can really get some thinking done.
Jerry: Well, don't get too comfortable. As soon as Seth gets a real job, you two are gong back in that chicken supernova.
[Jerry puts on giant sunglasses and goes to Kramer's apartment.]

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: I'm Elaine Benes. We met at Barney's. I'm a friend of George Costanza's.
George: Hi.
Elaine: Whether you're aware of it or not, George had this pathetic little plan to leave something behind so he could try and weasel a second date.
Heather: Really?
Elaine: I know. He has a real confidence problem.
George: Well, not really...
Elaine: George! Anyway, I know you told him you didn't have the hat because you didn't want to see him again. And, more sympathetic I could not be. But I really do need to have the hat back.
Heather: Look, I don't know what to tell you, but there's no hat here. I mean, maybe the maid took it, I had people over, but...
George: Well, that makes sense.
Elaine: Then you wouldn't mind if we took a second look around?
Heather: Be my guest.
George: [dragged in by Elaine] Good to see you again.

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