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The Blood

‘The Blood’

Season 9, Episode 4 - Aired October 16, 1997

Kramer takes his blood back from the bank. Jerry tries to get in shape. George wants to introduce food into the bedroom. Meanwhile, Elaine ends up baby-sitting her friend's kid.

Quote from George

Jerry: What's going on?
George: I don't know. This sandwich is making me flush.
Jerry: Oh, no. I'll tell you what you did, Caligula. You've combined food and sex in to one disgusting, uncontrollable urge.
George: I think you're right. You gonna eat that?
Jerry: No, but please tell me that's all you're gonna do with it.


Quote from Newman

Jerry: You put blood in the car?!
Kramer: Jerry, it was overheating. You should take better care of that thing.
Jerry: Well, they told me that I got more blood. So I guess I owe you again.
Kramer: You didn't get the blood from me.
Jerry: Then who?
[Newman comes in with a Band-Aid on his arm and an "I Gave Blood" badge on his chest]
Newman: Hello, Jerry.
Jerry: [screams]
Jerry and Kramer: [scream]
Jerry, Kramer and Newman: [scream]

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Hey, Seinfelds!
Morty Seinfeld: Hey, Mr. Kramer.
Kramer: How long are you staying?
Helen Seinfeld: We just came to town for a funeral.
Kramer: Oh yeah, yeah I heard. Marvin Kessler. Boy, that makes you think. If he could go...

Quote from Elaine

Vivian: Elaine, I'm so glad you came out.
Elaine: Yeah.
Vivian: You haven't seen Jimmy for years.
Elaine: I know, I'm glad I got to see him before he hit puberty and got, you know all lurchy and awkward.
Vivian: Actually, I'm gonna need someone to look after him tomorrow evening.
Elaine: Tomorrow evening, sure.
Vivian: Do you know anyone responsible?
Elaine: Do I know anyone?
Vivian: Well, if you think of anybody, give me a call.

Quote from George

George: What are you doing?
Tara: Incense, for the mood.
George: Oh yes, by no means, the mood. Let me know if there's anything I can do to lend support to the mood. [smells the incense] Um, cream soda?
Tara: Vanilla.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Can you believe that? Vivian doesn't think I'm responsible?
Jerry: Who wants to responsible? When ever anything goes wrong, the first thing they ask is: Who's responsible for this?
Elaine: I couldn't raise a kid? Come on, I love bossing people around.

Quote from Elaine

George: Oh, pudding! You want some?
Jerry: Hey, you guys think I'm getting a little...chunky?
George: What are you kidding? We look great! You know what this pudding needs? The skin on the top. You know, like your mother used to make it on the stove.
Jerry: Elaine, what do you think?
Elaine: I think you're getting a little pudding under the skin yourself.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Vivian left me a message. I guess a certain someone changed her mind about whether someone was responsible enough to watch certain other someone.
Jerry: Is this about me?
Elaine: No.
Jerry: Oh, then I lost interest.

Quote from Elaine

Vivian: Elaine? What are you doing here?
Elaine: Kramer is actually sleeping one off, so I thought that I'd help out. [Kramer moans from the bushes] What's that, some raccoon or something? [hits Kramer with a broom]
Vivian: Well, I guess this would be all right. Jimmy, you remember Elaine? She's gonna watch you tonight.
Elaine: Hi, Jimmy. [Jimmy kicks Elaine in the shin.] Oh! [The screen door hits her in the head]

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were baby-sitting at Vivian's.
Kramer: There was an incident.
Jerry: Oh no, where's the blood? [opens the fridge] It's in here isn't it?
Kramer: Would you stop it?
Jerry: What is this?
Kramer: It's Jell-O.
Jerry: What about this? This is blood isn't it?!
Kramer: This is tomato juice, look... [drinks from the bottle]
Jerry: Oh, you're sick! You're sick!
Kramer: Will you calm down? I took all my blood down to Newman's. He let me put it in his meat freezer.

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