Jordan Quote #127

Quote from Jordan in My Best Friend's Baby's Baby and My Baby's Baby

Jordan: Anyway, I was thinking we need new table linens for the dining room. Well, not so much table linens as placemats. What do think's prettier, burgundy or mauve?
Dr. Kelso: What the hell's with her?
Dr. Cox: She's mad. But she can't give me the silent treatment because she knows I'd actually love that, so she's giving me the talk-until-I-want-to-commit-suicide treatment.
Dr. Kelso: Sucks to be you.
Dr. Cox: You have no idea.
Jordan: What else do I need for that? Oh, I need new pillow shams. And I- I like cotton, but I think we should get a cotton blend because that's easier to clean, and I hate ironing. Maybe we need a new housekeeper. Maybe the housekeeper should come every single day now.


 ‘My Best Friend's Baby's Baby and My Baby's Baby’ Quotes

Quote from Kim

Kim: This sucks. I mean, the hardest decision I've had to make in the last year was what hairstyle to get. And even then, all I did was open up an US Magazine, close my eyes and pick a random celebrity.
J.D.: Kirsten Dunst?
Kim: Owen Wilson.
J.D.: Oh.

Quote from Elliot

Carla: Elliot, I can't do it!
Elliot: Okay, I want you to imagine that your uterus is like a tube of toothpaste, and you're just trying to squeeze out all that minty fresh gel. But instead of minty fresh gel inside, there's a little black baby. [Carla swings for Elliot, who dodges]

Quote from Janitor

Turk: [answers phone] Hey, baby, look, I- Yeah, he, he's right here. [to J.D.] She won't talk to me.
J.D.: Hi. Yes, I know he missed your wedding, too. All right, hold on. [slaps Turk] That was from her, not me.
Turk: Go.
Janitor: Relax, I'll have him out in one second. [holding saw] All right, hold still. Nobody likes a jagged stump.
Turk: No!
Janitor: [on the phone] He's being unreasonable. Okay. [slaps Turk twice] That was from me.