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My Musical

‘My Musical’

Season 6, Episode 6 - Aired January 18, 2007

As the hospital treats a patient who hears music all the time, the staff of Sacred Heart find themselves in a full-on Broadway musical. Elliot searches for a way to tell J.D. she wants to live alone, while Carla debates whether to return to work.

Quote from J.D.

Patti: Did it work?
Dr. Cox: You're gonna have to tell us.
Patti: [medical equipment beeps] Thank you.
J.D.: By the way, who's the best singer? You know, like, in your head. Don't let the fact that I went to theater camp affect your decision.
J.D.: [v.o.] In musicals, there's always a happy ending. But in life, sometimes when you get what you want, you end up missing what you left behind. Whether it's your roommate...
Carla: I'll see you in a little while.
J.D.: [v.o.] Or time spent with your child. Or even the music you used to hear in your head.
Patti: [hums the melody to "Welcome to Sacred Heart"]


Quote from Turk

J.D.: [v.o.] After 6 weeks home with her baby, Carla was facing the decision that all new moms have to face. Whether she should go back to work.
Carla: Okay, so... If we take my salary and subtract the cost of a full-time nanny plus her health insurance, we will still end up with... losing $5 a month?!
Turk: This is completely your decision. I don't care one way or the other.
Carla: Maybe I'll try staying home with Izzy for a year.
Turk: Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] As for me, ever since my pregnant girlfriend left I've been a little clingy with my roommate.
Elliot: J.D., I'm going to get a drink from the water fountain. Do you wanna come?
J.D.: Please, Elliot. I'm not that desperate.
J.D.: [v.o.] Although I am a little parched. Plus I could hold back her hair.

Quote from J.D.

Elliot: Are you okay, ma'am?
[song "All Right":]
J.D.: How many fingers do you see?
Elliot: Call 911 emergency.
Patti: Why are you singing? Wait, why am I singing?
J.D.: Is there someone here with you?
Elliot: Someone that we could talk to?
All: Are you okay? Are you alright? Are you okay? Are you alright?

Quote from Dr. Cox

J.D.: So Mrs. Miller passed both audiological and neurological exams. We cannot find anything that explains why she's hearing music.
Dr. Cox: No? How about this for an explanation: she's cuckoo pants. Run some more tests and turf her to Psych.

Quote from Elliot

Elliot: I know J.D.'s in a bad place. But I'm an adult. I'm making good money. I just wanna live by myself.
Carla: So just tell him.
Elliot: Oh, so it's that easy? Then why don't you just tell Turk that you wanna go back to work? What the hell am I gonna do?
[song "Options":]
Carla: I could tell a bunch of lies.
Elliot: I could buy him his own place.
Carla: I could bring the baby here with me.
Elliot: Or tell him there's no space.
Carla: Those are some lame-ass ideas.
Elliot: We are so screwed.

Quote from J.D.

Elliot: Look, J.D. I don't wanna let you down when your life is so crappy. Move in with me.
J.D.: No, Elliot. It's okay. I was just feeling sorry for myself. Plus, it's about time you lived on your own. You're closer to 40 than 30.
Elliot: J.D., I'm 29.

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