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My Journey

‘My Journey’

Season 3, Episode 2 - Aired October 9, 2003

After Turk and Carla set a date for their wedding, J.D. wants to take him out to celebrate the occasion. Meanwhile, Elliot gets back together with Sean (Scott Foley), and Carla obsesses about an unlabeled urine sample.

Quote from Turk

Turk: You know, I'm actually starting to like Journey.
J.D.: Well you're gonna be very pleased with the next twenty-three songs. You know, the fact that you're even here for an end-of-an-era celebration is enough, we don't have to, like, get all deep or anything.
Turk: No, I wanna try this, man. Okay, um... Ever since Carla and I set the date for the wedding, I started thinking. You know those lame-ass couples that get engaged but they never actually get married - they just cruise along year after year, without making any real kind of commitment? Dude, I wanted to be one of those couples, man!


Quote from Elliot

Sean: Hey.
Elliot: Look, I was planning on coming here and telling you that you'll always come first. But, the truth is that's not a promise I can keep. But the one thing I can guarantee you is that, when it's my decision, I'll always choose you. But if that's not enough, I understand.
[Sean kisses Elliot]

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: Mr. Quinn, before I examine your clavicle, let me ask you something: Do you think it's out of line for me to want to take my best friend here to dinner?
Will: Well, I, uh...
J.D.: I mean, this is like the end of an era! Okay? We've always been known as Turk-&-J.D. Like, when we were in college, people'd be like, "When are Turk-&-J.D. getting here?" Right? And then in med school, everyone was like, "When are Turk-&-J.D. getting here?"
Turk: We didn't have a car.
J.D.: The point is, we were together so much, this one Indian girl only slept with him 'cause she thought his last name was "Anjadi".
Turk: [in an Indian accent] It was a very good day for me!
J.D.: See! This is the kind of stuff I'm gonna miss! The- The reminiscing, the way your breath always smelled of curry.

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