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The Dress

‘The Dress’

Season 5, Episode 4 - Aired January 29, 2019

Johnny asks the family to tighten their belts to pay for repair work at the motel, just as Moira receives her red carpet dress for the movie premiere. Meanwhile, Stevie tricks David into a hotel stay in Elmdale so she can see Emir, and Alexis thinks Ted's receptionist is being chilly towards her.

Quote from Roland

Roland: Well, I've come up with the perfect excuse for you to buy yourself a brand new hot water heater!
Johnny: Still waiting for the good news.
Roland: Well, the good news is that my friend Terry can replace the whole thing for you.
Johnny: Replace it? Well, how much is that gonna cost?
Roland: I did a little negotiating with Terry, and he says you can have it for $4,200.
Johnny: $4200?!
Roland: Right. Unless you want it installed.
Johnny: Well, of course I want it installed, Roland!
Roland: Okay, well, that's gonna be $5,500.


Quote from Johnny

Johnny: Okay, you know what? I can't afford to throw away money like that.
Roland: Oh, come on, this coming from the guy who was just bragging about taking out a mortgage to pay for his wife's dress!
Johnny: I wasn't bragging!

Quote from David

David: What about the person...?
Stevie: David, I would tell you if I saw him! Also, that's rude!
David: Okay, it's just that your type is very inconsistent.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Oh, my God, Shan! You still here? Have you not taken lunch?
Shan: I've just been pretty busy.
Alexis: Ugh, same. Can I get a "hell yeah" for two hard-working women in the 21st Century? [high fives Shan and then pulls her in close] Anyway, I think that we both know that things are a bit off between us, and I understand why. Ted told me all about your little... [kissing sound] And it's like not a big deal.
Shan: Okay. Alexis, that's- That's such a relief. And oh! Honestly, between us, it was just a drunken one-time thing, and I told him we'd be better off as friends.
Alexis: Oh. Did you tell him that after he told you that?

Quote from Alexis

Ted: Alexis. Right on time.
Alexis: You're telling me, I was just having a chat with Shan. Clearing the air about that little trip you two took to pound town.

Quote from Alexis

Ted: Well, just, um, one minute. Again, not that it matters, you know, but uh, the day after we, um, we were supposed to meet up at the 5k for Feral Cats, and I never followed up so...
Shan: Oh, yeah, it totally doesn't matter.
Ted: No.
Shan: But I also never followed up. So when we saw each other the next weekend at the opening of Bronwyn's Exotic Animal Clinic, I assumed you'd gotten the hint.
Ted: Okay, well, that's what I assumed, so...
Alexis: Okay, not to interject, but I assumed that this would play out in a much more interesting way. So for the sake of time, um, I'm just gonna go with Shannon's version of things. Shannon, can we get you anything while we're out?
Ted: Uh, I'm not sure that we actually quite finished the conversation.
Alexis: Oh, it's okay, Ted. Because the important thing is, that Shannon and I had a breakthrough.
Ted: Yeah, but I'm just not really sure where we landed on the whole...

Quote from Roland

Roland: Johnny, let me tell you something. That is not the place to cut corners. Okay? What you need to do is re-examine your extravagant lifestyle.
Johnny: What are you talking about?
Roland: Well, not all of us can drive around in an 8 cylinder car.
Johnny: It's a '78 Lincoln, and it's all we could afford!
Roland: Right, '78. Vintage.
Johnny: Okay! Roland, do you mind if I get back to work?!
Roland: Yeah, no problem, I've got to go on my smoke break.

Quote from David

David: Wow, for someone who can barely stand, she sounds good. How are we feeling?
Stevie: All things considered, I'm feeling better.
David: Good. I'm gonna see if they have more Mariah, the first three songs were just a warm-up.

Quote from Stevie

Emir: I'm so sorry. A student driver rear-ended me on the way over here, it was a whole thing. He started crying. We had to exchange insurance information. His mom was there.
Stevie: You couldn'tve called? I thought I was stood up.
Emir: The student driver has my phone, and I have his. We didn't give them back to each other after we exchanged info. So if you wanna know what's on a 16 year old's smartphone, I could offer you that.
Stevie: No, thank you.
Emir: Yeah, that's probably for the best.

Quote from David

David: Okay, good news, they have "Fantasy," which means that you get to play Ol' Dirty Bastard.

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