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The Barbecue

‘The Barbecue’

Season 4, Episode 7 - Aired March 6, 2018

After Patrick surprises David with a giant cookie on their four month anniversary, David's family want to celebrate his important relationship. Meanwhile, Alexis receives a text message from Ted.

Quote from Moira

David: Uh, hi.
Moira: David, someone's ears must be a-flame.


Quote from Moira

Patrick: Yes, which is how I found out about the barbecue that I was invited to, but didn't know about.
David: Hmm.
Patrick: Why didn't you tell me I was invited to the barbecue?
David: Well, they only wanted to have the barbecue after reading what was on your cookie.
Patrick: Yeah, sorry that still sounds pretty nice to me.
Moira: Thank you, Pat.

Quote from David

David: Fine. He can come.
Moira: Excellent. And he's bringing his guitar.
David: What?
Moira: Well, it was mostly his idea, you know, in case there's a rousing fireside sing-along?
David: No, I draw the line at sing-along.

Quote from Alexis

Ted: Alexis, hey.
Alexis: Hey. I was in the neighbourhood, so I thought I'd just pop in and say hey. I was gonna send a text but, um, I thought it'd be better if I just came in.
Ted: I'm glad you did.
Alexis: I'm also glad I did.
Ted: It's good to see you.
Alexis: It's also good to see you.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Uh no, I should get outta your hair. But it was good to see you, Mr. Bagel. [laughs] That's a you-and-Heather thing, but now that you texted me, it's kind of like an all-of-us thing. So, have a great afternoon today.

Quote from Roland

Roland: Oh, Jocelyn and I have another one of those birthing rehearsals we gotta go to.
Johnny: I just bought $100 worth of sliders.
Roland: Geez, Johnny, thanks for rubbing it in when you know I can't come.
Johnny: You can't come? You didn't say you can't come! You were bragging about being a grill master.
Jocelyn: He really is. Did you tell him about the aprons?
Johnny: Yes he did! And I was counting on him to do the grilling!
Roland: You know Johnny, maybe you should consider calling off the barbecue.
Johnny: Well, I'm not calling it off! I just have to figure this thing out.
Roland: Right, cut to [explosion sound].
Johnny: Well, we're not cutting to [explosion sound].
Roland: Cut to, I've ruined my sliders! [laughs] Cut to, how does this thing work? [laughs]

Quote from Stevie

Johnny: See, this wasn't as hard as you thought it was.
Stevie: Mr. Rose, would you mind taking a few steps back?
Johnny: Oh, what you're gonna spray the briquettes again?
Stevie: Nope.

Quote from David

Moira: Okay, so what else is new? How's the shop?
David: Hmm, thriving.
Moira: Yes.
David: Which is shocking because as you may or may not know, I've struggled with group work in the past.
Moira: David, you are living an exciting new chapter in the book on tape of your life. And you, you did this all by yourself.
David: Okay, just so you know, that's not really a compliment, but thank you.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Um, so I took your advice, which in retrospect is weird considering we like literally just met.
Rachel: Fair enough.
Alexis: And? Turns out that text message wasn't for me after all.
Rachel: Oh.
Alexis: His girlfriend was at a bakery, hence the whole "I prefer bagels thing".
Rachel: Right. So that girlfriend detail woulda been pretty useful in the conversation we had earlier, but still, I'm sorry. Oh, I feel somewhat responsible.
Alexis: Yeah, I can see that. It's just weird because like, I'm always the one being chased.
Rachel: I assumed that, based on your face, and body.
Alexis: Right?

Quote from Johnny

Johnny: Okay, right, here. Perfect. Perfect. There ya go, we make a good team, Pat.
Moira: No, John, no, we're not doing Pat.
David: No we're not.

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