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RIP Moira Roise

‘RIP Moira Roise’

Season 4, Episode 5 -  Aired February 6, 2018

A rumour spreads online that Moira has died. Meanwhile, David and Alexis visit a farm to secure new products for the store, and Roland asks Johnny to be godfather to his child.

Quote from David

David: Anyway, I just happened to eat one of those pieces of blue cheese, and normally I don't like blue cheese in my mouth, but that was very not bad.
Heather: I am with you. I wasn't a fan of it either until I started using it in salads.
David: Oh.


Quote from David

David: Anyway, this is a very important account for me. I've been trying for the past little while to secure an exclusivity deal with this vendor, but she's very picky about her retailers. Everyone's trying to get their greasy hands on her cheese.
Alexis: Ew, David. Wait, Warner Farms? Does this cheese woman have animals on her farms? Like, goats? Does she have goats?
David: Well, we're about to sample some goat's cheese, so I would imagine she has goats on her farm.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Thank you so much for taking me out, David. I really needed it. Especially after everything that's going on with Mom.
David: Okay, is that the reason, or is it because I'm on a buying trip, and that means you get free samples?
Alexis: We make a very good team, David. You do the talking, and I sample the merchandise. And speaking of, we might have to circle back and get more of these peanut butter things from those old farm witches.
David: They were Mennonites, and I would put the peanut butter square down, we're about to spend the afternoon sampling a lot of cheese.
Alexis: Hmm. Nom nom for us, David.
David: Never say nom nom again.

Quote from Johnny

Moira: Flowers! Oh, John, I do love how you keep the magic alive.
Johnny: Well they're not from me, Moira. "Sorry for your loss. She was really something."
Moira: Ew. Who was something?
Johnny: Well, I don't know. They didn't even put their name on the card.

Quote from Alexis

Johnny: So what are you saying? The entire internet thinks your mother is dead?
Alexis: Um, well not like the entire internet. It's not even trending, which is actually kind of sad.
David: Mmm-hmm.
Johnny: That's what you think is sad?

Quote from Roland

Roland: Oh Johnny, Johnny, get over here. Come on, lemme give you one. Oh yeah. Oh good, that feels good, doesn't it?
Johnny: She's-
Roland: Let it out.
Johnny: She's not dead, Roland.
Roland: Boy, it's strange, I can almost still smell her perfume.
Johnny: It's because I was just talking to her.
Roland: Well, I understand. You know, sometimes I wear Jocelyn's robe when she's outta town.

Quote from Roland

Roland: You know, I gotta be honest with you, this news really kinda hit me hard.
Johnny: That's very nice.
Roland: Yeah, the first thing I thought of is what would happen to the baby if something happened to us?
Johnny: Roland, this is kind of a heavy conversation to have at 9 a.m., isn't it?
Roland: Johnny, Johnny, I want you to be the godfather to my child.
Johnny: What?
Roland: Well, it's a no-brainer, Johnny. I mean, we're best friends.
Johnny: Yeah but are we?
Roland: And to mark the occasion, I wanna take you to a celebratory lunch.
Johnny: Well that's not necessary.
Roland: Well, nothing's too good for the godfather of my child.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: This is Heather Warner's farm, David.
David: I know.
Alexis: No, like Heather, Heather. Like, Ted's Heather.
David: What? She's like 50.
Alexis: She's 42, and I know! Ugh!
David: Okay. You know what? I can't have your personal drama storming over my business dealings right now, so I think it's best if you got out of the car, and walked home.
Alexis: Walked home? That would take like 15 minutes, David, that's absolutely not happening.

Quote from Roland

Twyla: Okay, scoop of tuna on the Mediterranean salad, for you.
Johnny: Thank you.
Twyla: And the usual fried chicken on a waffle, extra skin.
Roland: Okay.
Twyla: I will be right back with the hot sauce and butter.
Roland: Yes, and the gravy, Twyla, please. Thank you.

Quote from Roland

Johnny: See the thing is, Roland, I don't think you realize just how big a responsibility you'd be, I don't wanna say strapping to my back, but...
Roland: Well, Johnny, that's why I'm asking you because um, I consider you family.
Johnny: Oh. Well, as a family member, I feel we can say anything to each other.
Roland: Sure.
Johnny: And, quite frankly, your lifestyle choices are making me just a little nervous.
Roland: Don't worry about me. Mmm mm. [chokes, coughs] I'm okay.
Johnny: Good.
Roland: [coughs] It's just a little piece of skin back there.
Johnny: Hmm.
Roland: [coughs] I got it. Still good.
Johnny: Hmm.
Roland: [as Brando] Do you wanna have a bite? I'll give you a bite you can't refuse.
Johnny: No, no, that's okay. That's fine. I am done.

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