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Dead Guy in Room 4

‘Dead Guy in Room 4’

Season 4, Episode 1 - Aired January 9, 2018

The morning after graduation night, Stevie discovers a guest has died in one of the motel rooms. Elsewhere, David tries to assure Patrick he's not trying to move too fast in their relationship, and Alexis helps Ted choose her replacement at the clinic.

Quote from Roland

Roland: Hello, Johnny. Stevie. I come bearing good news.
Stevie: Okay, Roland, as you can see, Mr. Rose is checking out a guest right now, so maybe you can hold off on that good news?
Roland: Oh sure, I got it. Uh, well let me just say this, re the toilet that died in Room 4, the plumber will be here in a few hours. He said he'd be here sooner, but he has another autopsy.
Johnny: Toilet on the fritz.


Quote from Alexis

Alexis: I also had a question.
Ted: Uh yeah, Alexis, I'd love to answer that question, it's just I'm kind of right in the middle of interviewing these people, so.
Alexis: Okay, yeah, totally. I will just um... Um... I actually used to work here. This used to be my desk, so.
Ted: You know, now that you're here, I guess you could sit in on the interviews with me.
Alexis: Oh. Okay, sure. Now, everybody, just so you know, I got a job here, and I have literally zero interest in animals, so you guys are already like, way ahead.

Quote from Moira

Patrick: One tea for you. One caramel macchiato skim, two sweeteners, and a sprinkle of cocoa powder for you.
David: Thank you.
Moira: You're very speedy.
Patrick: Thanks. I wasn't sure about the scone, so I got one just to be safe.
Moira: There's nothing wrong with treating yourself, dear.

Quote from David

David: Okay, well are you even sure that the pill would have saved his life?
Moira: We'll have to let the courts decide.
David: The courts? Well, know that you've unloaded this on me, what am I, an accomplice?
Moira: David, I came here to be talked off a ledge, not pushed!
David: Can you imagine this in prison?

Quote from Moira

Patrick: Can I interject? I know I wasn't supposed to be listening to this conversation, but it's a small space, and your voice carries so beautifully.
Moira: Mmm-hmm.
Patrick: Mrs. Rose, I can say with 100% certainty, you have nothing to worry about.
Moira: Well that's very kind of you, dear, but now's not the time for well-intended placation.
Patrick: You're legally prohibited from supplying medication to your guests, so by not giving him anything you've actually avoided any potential liability in his death.
Moira: Well, there we have it then. Thank God you're here Pa...
David: trick.
Moira: Trick. You know how David can get carried away, I'm sure.
Patrick: Oh, I do.
Moira: Well, I suppose I'll head back to the scene of the crime, with which I had nothing to do.

Quote from Moira

Patrick: Can I ring that up for you?
Moira: I paid way too much for a wedge of brie last week, so let's call it even.
David: I don't think it works like that.
Moira: Alexis was right, he's a button.

Quote from Johnny

Stevie: But there is someone staying with us right now who works in a quarry. So, I bet he has a lot of stories.
Johnny: And what kind of kid doesn't like rocks?
Stevie: Yeah.
Johnny: Maybe he'll even get to take one home.
Female guest: Ooh. I'm gonna think about it.
Stevie: Yeah, it's mandatory.
Female guest: It's mandatory?
Johnny: Well again, wrong choice of words, it's not mandatory, but there is a fee for not attending, so you'll be paying for it either way.
Female guest: What?
Stevie: Yeah, so we'll just be by a little later to escort you to the lobby.
Johnny: In the meantime, you can put your son to bed and just make sure he's up and ready to go at 3:55. Okay? Bye for now.

Quote from Ted

Ted: I have to admit, Alexis, some of your questions were shockingly effective. I found it very telling how many people would just accept a cocktail from a total stranger.
Alexis: Hmm, thank you.
Ted: Who would've known that Paul was allergic to cats? What was he doing here?

Quote from Alexis

Ted: Alexis, wait. Who would you hire from today?
Alexis: Um, I liked the guy with the glasses.
Ted: Me too.
Alexis: Um, or the guy with cystic acne. Either or.
Ted: Okay.
Alexis: Or the girl with the oily braid. Also very good.
Ted: Okay, lots to think about there. Thank you, Alexis.

Quote from Johnny

Johnny: Well, hello everyone, welcome. Welcome. Hope you're enjoying the cinnamon buns and vodka. We thought it was festive in a Scandinavian sort of way. Uh, well what a wonderful opportunity for all the guests to uh, get to know each other. Anyone from out of town? [all hands go up] Well, that makes sense. [laughs] You're all staying at the motel. Um, oh Frank, Frank Frank is here. Frank who works at a quarry. Did you bring some rocks in for the kids, Frank?
Frank: No, I didn't bring any rocks.
Johnny: No rocks? Well.

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