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Carl's Funeral

‘Carl's Funeral’

Season 1, Episode 9 - Aired March 3, 2015

Johnny doesn't know what to do when Bob asks him to speak at his brother's funeral. Meanwhile, Alexis stays at Ted's place while David and Stevie try to avoid the scraggy motel guests.

Quote from Johnny

Bob: Roland, he told me about your back and I- I am so sorry.
Johnny: Well, well, I'm the one who's sorry, Bob. You know, hearing about your, uh, brother C-C-Chris-
Bob: Carl.
Johnny: Carl. Yeah, he was a good man. A good man.
Bob: He admired you, Johnny.
Johnny: And I him. Yeah. And I him.


Quote from Johnny

Bob: Listen, uh, I understand about your back. And I was just, uh- Just wondering if, uh, maybe you could say a few words at the funeral?
Johnny: Well, the thing, uh, the thing is, uh, Bob, I-I-I don't feel I deserve that honour.
Bob: Oh, see, I'm, uh, I'm no good at these things. You know, you, you're- You're polished. You know, you're- You're well-spoken.
Johnny: Oh, no. No, no. Not really. Not really. I mean, I'm good one on one, but not- Not good in a public situation. I clam up pret-pretty good.
Bob: As a favor, Johnny.
Johnny: He must have had a few close friends, somebody that-
Bob: No one.
Johnny: Well, sure. Sure. I can say a few words, Bob. I'll say a few words.

Quote from Ted

Ted: Well, Macy and Fifer are just staying with me for a couple of weeks until they get back on their feet. Isn't that right, Fifey? Yeah, your worms are almost all gone, aren't they? Yeah.
Alexis: Is that a diaper on that little cutie?
Ted: Yup.

Quote from Moira

Moira: John, you're speaking at the funeral?
Johnny: The man was weeping. What was I supposed to do?
Moira: You take his hands in yours, you look him in the eye, and say, "no."

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: God, I love this bed. I'm so glad you're not my brother.
Ted: Yeah, yeah, I'm pretty glad about that too. But let me assure you, tonight it is just you and me.

Quote from Ted

Alexis: Okay, the the big one is sniffing the diaper. Does does that mean it's full?
Ted: Okay.
Alexis: What is...?
Ted: Okay, you guys, just give us a little bit of time here and then you can come sleep with us, okay? Okay? Okay, where were we? [Dogs bark]

Quote from David

David: Oh, my God!
Stevie: I am so sorry. They got me... They got me wasted.
David: Mm-hmm.
Stevie: I hate them, okay? I hate them so much.
David: You smell very flammable right now.

Quote from Stevie

David: Um, is this your thong or...?
Stevie: Yeah, no. Bree's a real classy girl. Uh, his was wrapped around the remote. Don't worry, I threw out the remote.

Quote from Stevie

David: Hmm. Well, it looks like they have a side hustle.
Stevie: Uh, I'm pretty sure she strips. Why?
David: Oh no, this is just a lot of um...
Stevie: Yes, it is.
David: Marijuana.
Stevie: And if you're offering, my answer is yes.

Quote from Bob

Minister: Thank you for that, Shannon. Nothing says we'll miss you like an excerpt from "Breaking Dawn," one of Carl's favourites of the Twilight movies.

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