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The Master Plan

‘The Master Plan’

Season 2, Episode 23 - Aired May 13, 2010

Leslie's plans to get funding for the new park are thrown in jeopardy when a team of state auditors, Chris Traeger (Rob Lowe) and Ben Wyatt (Adam Scott), set up shop in City Hall. Meanwhile, everyone gathers at the Snakehole Lounge for April's 21st birthday.

Quote from Tom

Tom: id I give you a bottle cap? Excuse me, did I give you a bottle cap?
Woman: What?
Tom: Did I give any of you guys a bottle cap? [woman shakes head] You sure? Who the [bleep] did I give a bottle cap to?


Quote from Andy

Andy: I'm not saying we're the best band in the universe. But we're, I would say, honestly the best band in the world.
Shauna Malwae-Tweep: I should write an article about you. Another article about you.
Andy: Yeah, okay. Hey, uh, can I buy you a drink?
Shauna Malwae-Tweep: Sure.
Andy: Yeah. You have a tab I can put it on? Wait. How old are you?
Shauna Malwae-Tweep: 25.
[Andy takes a moment to do the math in his head]
Andy: Mark. Brendanawicz. Hey, what's 25 divided by 2 plus 7?
Mark: 19 and a half.
Andy: Okay. I'm older than that. We're good to go.

Quote from Chris

Chris: So what brings you here so early?
Leslie Knope: I'm here to speak to Ben, actually.
Chris: Great. I'm gonna listen to some ocean sounds and do some chin-ups.

Quote from Chris

Chris: Oh, oh, oh. Don't keep him too long. I need someone to be here when I take my multivitamin. There's a choking hazard. [holds up a two-inch long multivitamin]

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Oh, I can't believe our little girl is all grown up. Damn the wheel of the world. Why must it continually turn over.
Ron Swanson: Jack London.
Leslie Knope: Yeah.
Ron Swanson: Nice.

Quote from Mark

Mark: Thank you for meeting with me again. I don't even know really what I want to say. But I guess I just don't get it. You know, our relationship was so great.
Ann: Mark, honestly, it was really nice. But maybe you thought it was so amazing, because you've never dated someone for so long before.
Mark: Well, but for example, we barely ever fought.
Ann: That's not a good sign. You're supposed to fight sometimes. You're supposed to miss the other person even if they're only gone for 20 minutes. And I just didn't feel that. Did you?
Mark: Man, I should have yelled at you way more.

Quote from Andy

Andy: That's great. I'd love to hear all about your family vacation.
April: Hey.
Andy: Oh, that's great. Get out, Kyle.

Quote from April

April: [aside to camera] Yes, I am 21 years old today. Which is the age that pretty much everyone agrees makes you an adult.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Well I'm presenting it today. And if it flies, we're gonna get our money to build a park. I mean, it only took us 15 months to do this.
Ann: I can't believe it.
Leslie Knope: It would've taken 13 months if you had agreed to work on weekend. But still... It's great.

Quote from Ann

Leslie Knope: Well, the meeting is at 10. Come over to my office for champagne after.
Ann: I don't think I should do that.
Leslie Knope: Oh, right. Mark. Oh. Awkward.
[aside to camera:]
Ann: I ended things with Mark a couple of days ago. And... I'n not gonna talk about it.

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