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Sister III

‘Sister III’

Season 3, Episode 18 - Aired March 4, 2014

Jess decides she and Nick should move in together after seeing Abby and Schmidt living together. Meanwhile, Winston prepares for the police obstacle course, and Cece and Coach bond as friends.

Quote from Schmidt

Abby: What are you guys doing here? Tailing me?
Schmidt: No.
Cece: Yes, we're tailing you. I know how you work: You glom onto guys and then you just bleed them dry. Well, you are not gonna do it to Schmidt. What's in the box?
Coach: Tell us what's in the box.
Abby: Zippers.
Cece: What?
Schmidt: [laughs] Z... Zippers, you guys.
Abby: Guy up there'll give you a great deal. He also loves crack.
Schmidt: Can we go now? Thank you, Abby, let's go.
Cece: My car is gone.
Schmidt: Well, that's not surprising.


Quote from Winston

Winston: Just looking at my Garbage Pail Kids. Jess makes me put 'em in a box. How are you gonna put art like this in a box? What's going on with you?
Winston: [quietly] Nothing...
Jess: You will not tell Nick that you saw me here because then he'll get upset and I'm gonna have to move into my old room, and that means that we suck as a couple and that Abby was right and I cannot let that happen.
Winston: Jess went to a hotel because sharing a room with you is driving her crazy. [relieved moaning] Dude, at really was a tough one to keep in, but, honestly, I held my own and I did my best.

Quote from Schmidt

Cece: I was worried about you, okay? I didn't want her to take advantage of you 'cause I know that you will do anything for the people that you care about.
Schmidt: Well, I guess I could say the same thing about you.
Cece: And, you know what, maybe Abby has changed.
Schmidt: I'm thinking about helping Abby lease a storefront for her jewelry. Is that crazy?
Cece: It's... It's amazing. Don't hold back.
Schmidt: Here. Here, I want you to have this.
Cece: Oh.
Schmidt: Abby made it. It's a cough drop and... these are hard candies.
Cece: I see that. I truly hate it.
Schmidt: You're welcome.

Quote from Winston

Nick: I know you didn't go to Sacramento. I know you went to a hotel to be by yourself.
Jess: Damn it, Winston!
Winston: [o.s.] Nick loved being alone, too!
Nick: Damn it, Winston!
Winston: [o.s.] That's for my ding-a-ling!

Quote from Jess

Abby: Uh-oh. Last time I saw you day-drinking was when you got kicked out of jazz ensemble.
Jess: I'm still pissed off about that. What does that mean, "too enthusiastic"?
Abby: How come you're not at the hotel? Did you and Nick break the bed? Because, legally, they cannot make you pay for that.
Jess: No. I was by myself.
Abby: Oh, I've broken the bed by myself. Big-time.

Quote from Nick

Jess: What are you doing?
Nick: Oh, just packing up your things and then I thought about what you would want and how you probably didn't want to move again, so I decided to do the right thing and just take your room.
Jess: My room's bigger.
Nick: Is it? I never-
Jess: Nice try.
Nick: All right. I got to move some stuff back then.

Quote from Jess

Jess: Yay!
Nick: Yay.
Jess: Cool.
Nick: Great.
Jess: Let's do this.
Nick: We can make it work.
Jess: You have to start washing your feet.

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