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Season 5, Episode 6 -  Aired February 9, 2016

When Nick and Winston take a trip to the hospital, they meet Reagan, a pharmaceuticals saleswoman in need of a room.

Quote from Schmidt

Cece: Just admit it, you're jealous.
Schmidt: Uh, I'm not. I simply want a demographic breakdown of all the guys who hit on you. You know, jacked dudes, swole dudes, yoked dudes. What in Megyn Kelly's America are you doing, Nick?


Quote from Nick

Nick: I'm installing a high-end shower.
Winston: Nick's got a crush on a girl who is way out of his league.
Nick & Cece: Ooh...
Schmidt: Do you want a boom box?
Cece: You gonna invite her to winter formal?
Nick: When you're my age, you don't form crushes anymore. I'm past that. I don't remember anything about her. I mean, what, does she have brown hair, brown eyes, a nose? She had moxie, she ran the room, she commanded it. [knock on door] She's here, she's here! All right, guys, make your hair look good. Everybody, make your hair look good, okay? Don't embarrass me.

Quote from Reagan

Reagan: South-facing windows, a balcony, stainless steel appliances, and I'm guessing someone with extreme OCD that lives here to keep this place clean.
Schmidt: Hello, I'm Schmidt.
Reagan: You were a large child.
Nick: That's incredible.
Schmidt: Yes, I-I was obese.

Quote from Reagan

Schmidt: Cece, y-you went to the MTV Beach House? Did you get to announce a video and then scream?
Cece: Actually, we both did.
Reagan: Yeah. And then we hooked up.
Cece: Yeah, that's true, too.
Schmidt: [moaning softly]
Reagan: Is he okay? It sounds like there's a dishwasher in his face.
Cece: I know, it's just, uh... he's just processing.

Quote from Reagan

Nick: What a turn of events, the fact that you guys hooked up.
Reagan: You know, that was a big summer for me. Remember, I-I pierced my nose.
Cece: I know.
Reagan: I forgave my mom. I realized that I was bisexual. I mean, of course I went for you. I go nuts for big boobs. I'm a real melon-felon.
Cece: Oh, trust me, I remember. [laughs]
Reagan: [about Schmidt] I think he's having a seizure.
Cece: No, no. It's just that when he has to process a lot of emotions, sometimes he likes to do Nick Cannon's solo from Drumline.

Quote from Reagan

Reagan: [to Nick] Okay. Just fix the shower. It needs to be in the center of the ceiling and water needs to come out of it. [to Winston] You have a cat, don't you?
Winston: How'd you know?
Reagan: It's very obvious.

Quote from Winston

Winston: Utilities are not included. Just wanted to make sure that didn't get lost in all of this.

Quote from Schmidt

Reagan: Are you sucking on a block of cheese?
Schmidt: No.
Reagan: Oh, my God. Here. Take this free sample of antacids. Consider it a parting gift. I don't want this anyway. Some weird friend group... shenanigans. I can't get involved.
Schmidt: You're a real lone wolf, huh? New day, new city? A real lady Costner.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: What do you got?
Reagan: You can pick one thing.
Schmidt: Easy. Uterus-shaped stress toy.
Reagan: Not surprised.
Schmidt: [toy squeaking] This is really helping, thank you. Can I also get the double-sided pen?
Reagan: No.

Quote from Winston

Winston: Hey, about earlier. I'm sorry that I basically let you drown in the shower. And then called you a soggy little bitch.
Nick: I don't know how to build a rain shower, okay?! Help me!
Winston: I want to help you! But I'm gonna get wet! It's too late for you! There's still time for me!
Winston: I'm sorry I squirted you with all that shampoo. It-it was supposed to be a metaphor, but I-I really just panicked, to be honest with you. I was trying to be tough, but it came off as mean.

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