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Season 3, Episode 14 - Aired January 2, 2014

Jess and Cece get invited to a party at Prince's mansion.

Quote from Nick

Nick: [to the models] Oh, give me a break. I see what you're doing. You're trying to tempt me sexually. Not interested.
Winston: What are you doing, Nick?
Nick: That leads to me taking my jacket off, and all of a sudden, you guys got me in my underwear, huh? I'm not a dummy. Take a walk. No one's interested.
Ana Beatriz Barros: So rude.
Alessandra Ambrosio: How idiotic.
Coach: No, no, no, no, no, no, stay, stay, stay.
Ana Beatriz Barros: Let's go.
Alessandra Ambrosio: Idiot!
Nick: Yeah, I'm an idiot.
Ana Beatriz Barros: Ciao.
Coach: No, no, no ciao! No ciao.
Nick: You'll be replaced by robots before you can say, "Fragi-cava-licious."


Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: Surrounded by celebrities and millionaires, and you dingbats are playing Lemon Mouth. [to Cece] Rind me, woman.

Quote from Jess

Jess: Nick Miller!
Nick: Hey, Jess. I'm not sorry that I said it.
Jess: [whispers in Nick's ear]
Nick: I hate to say this, but I couldn't hear you 'cause it's very loud.
Jess: [shouts] I love you! I love you, Nick Miller!

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