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Mr. Monk and the Sleeping Suspect

‘Mr. Monk and the Sleeping Suspect’

Season 2, Episode 7 - Aired August 8, 2003

When a series of mail bombs target three wealthy siblings, Monk's attention falls on the brother who's in a coma.

Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer

Agent Grooms: Captain! D.A. won't hold Ricky Babbage. I was hoping this might change your mind. [off Stottlemeyer's look] Oh, you can't be serious. You still think Rip Van Winkle's behind this?
Captain Stottlemeyer: We believe Brian Babbage is involved, yes. We just don't know how.
Agent Grooms: And by "we," you mean, you and your consultant.
Adrian Monk: [shouts] Yeah, I'm pretty sure Howdy Doody was a puppet.
Agent Grooms: How was your career, Captain? Did you enjoy it?


Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: She says she's thinking about it, but I can tell she's gonna go. Why should she be different? Everybody leaves me. Trudy. Dr. Kroger. And now, Sharona. It's like the national pastime. Comments? Any questions?

Quote from Sharona

Lieutenant Disher: You okay?
Sharona: Yeah, it was just your basic mail bomb. No big deal.
Lieutenant Disher: So I heard you're leaving. New Jersey.
Sharona: Are you gonna miss me?
Lieutenant Disher: Nope. Well, maybe a little.
Sharona: Do me a favor and call me sometime to remind me why I left.
Lieutenant Disher: I'll do that.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Sharona: By the time they were delivered, Brian had a perfect alibi.
Agent Grooms: He put himself in a coma? That's his alibi? That's the stupidest plan I ever heard of. He came this close to killing himself.
Adrian Monk: I was stumped too. But then I realized, that wasn't his plan at all. No one would plan to be in a coma.
Captain Stottlemeyer: His idea was to get himself arrested so he would be in jail when the bombs were delivered. That's why he tried to lead us on a car chase. He figured he'd be in jail for seven or eight months.
Adrian Monk: He even picked out a terrible lawyer, to make sure that he wouldn't get off.
Captain Stottlemeyer: But he screwed up and he hit a truck.
Lieutenant Disher: And a car. Then another car.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Brian Babbage stumbled literally, by accident into the best alibi in the history of crime.
Agent Grooms: Look, where's your proof?
Adrian Monk: Brian Babbage woke up this morning. I've arranged for all of us to pay him a little visit.
Tamil Swarma: This is going to be great.
Adrian Monk: Not you.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Maria: Mister Babbage?
Brian Babbage: Maria.
Maria: Oh! You're awake! It's a miracle. I came as soon as I heard. Sorry about your sister and your brother.
Brian Babbage: Thank you, Maria. The doctor just told me about them. I can't- I can't believe it.
Maria: I won't stay long. I just wanted to welcome you back. And I brought your mail.
Brian Babbage: What's- What's that?
Maria: I'm sorry, I started to open...
Brian Babbage: It's a bomb. It's a bomb! Get down! Get down.
[Randy pulls back the hospital curtain to reveal Monk, Sharona, Stottlemeyer and Agent Grooms]
Adrian Monk: I can't help but wonder what made you think that was a bomb, Mr. Babbage.
Lieutenant Disher: Brian Babbage? Good morning. You're under arrest for the murder of your sister, Amanda.

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