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Marco Polo

‘Marco Polo’

Season 6, Episode 4 - Aired October 15, 2014

While their house is treated for mold, the Dunphy family move into a cramped motel room. Meanwhile, Gloria is worried when Manny starts dating an older, popular girl, and Mitchell is fed up of Cameron's superstitious behavior as he tries to hold onto the team's winning streak.

Quote from Cameron

Mitchell: I get why you don't want me here. I-I know there's no such thing as bad luck, but there- There is bad energy, and I bring a lot of that to your whole sports world. And that's- That's because of my own history with it and you deserve better.
Cameron: I couldn't do better. You know what? Why can't we look at sports like one of those friends that one of us likes and the other doesn't? Sports can be like your mom.


Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: You know, actually, I-I didn't hate this.
Cameron: Oh, shut up.
Mitchell: No, I didn't. I-I was kind of getting into the whole football culture. There is an elegance that this has- [Cameron's team dump a vat of liquid on them] No! No! This is vicuna! You neanderthals!

Quote from Jay

Jay: Hey, wait a second. Your team just won six straight. Let's celebrate with a little scotch. You're old enough for your first sip.
Manny: She dumped me, Jay.
Jay: Okay, we're gonna do this.
Manny: She was just using me to make her old boyfriend jealous. Now they're back together. Don't tell Mom, okay? I had a sense she didn't like Sam.
Jay: Really? She didn't say anything.
Manny: My first girlfriend. She was perfect.
Jay: Eh, a little wide in the can.
Manny: Jay.
Jay: I'm sorry. Just- You ask me, you're lucky.
Manny: She dumped me by text while making out with her old boyfriend. I broke down crying. My charcoal ran like mascara. I had to be comforted by the other team's mascot. Lucky?
Jay: Think about it. How many guys your age would kill to be used by a girl like Sam? She picked you. She used you.
Manny: I was a body, Jay.
Jay: Come on. If she had picked an average guy, that boyfriend never would have got jealous. She had to pick a guy on his level.

Quote from Claire

Claire: Who rings the bell in the middle of the night? It is the creepiest thing.
Phil: I'm sure it's just, I don't know, some guy's car broke down and he wants to use our phone.
Claire: Have you ever seen a movie?

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