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Stupid Girl

‘Stupid Girl’

Season 4, Episode 4 - Aired November 24, 2002

Malcolm takes a page from Reese's book and turns off his brain so he can talk to a girl who isn't particularly smart. Meanwhile, Hal rents time on a steamroller after winning on a scratchcard.

Quote from Stevie

Stevie: I'll be... quilting.


Quote from Lois

Man: [on TV] At Cheswick Grounds, Britain's largest public lawn, each blade of grass is said to grow a full centimeter a day. Let's watch.
[Stevie eats popcorn as he watches TV]
Lois: Stevie, what are you doing here? I thought you're going to the dance with the boys.
Stevie: I didn't want... to go.
Lois: Stevie, you listen to me. Just because you're in a wheelchair doesn't mean you can't enjoy a dance like anyone else. I think you are a fine young man with beautiful qualities that any girl would enjoy if you just put yourself out there.
Stevie: But-
Lois: There are plenty of things you can do. You can snap your fingers to the beat. You can spin around in a circle. That would be adorable.
Stevie: Please.
Lois: Stevie, any girl would be lucky to be your girlfriend. You're polite, you're considerate, and you are very clean. Girls go crazy for that.
Stevie: Lois.
Lois: Stevie, you know what? We're going to that dance.

Quote from Reese

Alison: I don't know. I guess I'd say I like curly fries better.
Reese: Ha, I knew it. You totally owe me a buck, Malcolm.
Malcolm: What about Cajun curly fries?
Alison: [gasp] Oh, my God! I completely forgot about those. Those are my favorite.
Reese: Mine, too. Why can't they make more foods curly?

Quote from Malcolm

Alison: So what yard line do you want to sit on? 'Cause I was thinking the 50. But it's kind of a long walk.
Lois: There's nothing to be nervous about, Stevie. I'll dance the first couple of dances with you.
Malcolm: Hey, stop blaming yourself! That guy's a complete jerk. We're going to throw away his beer, get someone to take you home, and you should totally dump that guy. [to camera] That's what I would have done if I hadn't shut off my brain all week. Here's what I really did... [sings out loud] Minty Mints are your breath's friend.

Quote from Malcolm

Malcolm: My mom said you asked for this.
Stevie: How's... my gal?
Malcolm: I don't know. She won't stop screaming. She hasn't even seen my report card yet. The way I figure it, I have to average an 8.0 just to break even. Which might be doable since I don't have distractions anymore. Alison dumped me as soon as I used the word "paradox" in a sentence.

Quote from Reese

Alison: You know what I don't get about football? How come the away team has so many different uniforms?
Reese: I don't know. Rich kids.
Alison: Probably it. You want to make out?
Reese: Do you? Sure.

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