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Book Club

‘Book Club’

Season 3, Episode 3 -  Aired November 18, 2001

Lois wants a night away from the boys so she joins a book club. Hal struggles to think rationally as he stays home with the boys and tries to keep them out of trouble. Meanwhile, Francis's long trek to Alaska continues.

Quote from Reese

Malcolm: Dewey, be lookout while we dig up the fireworks.
Reese: What's going on with Dad?
Malcolm: I don't know. Maybe he's dealing with something at work.
Reese: I hope he's going to be OK. At his age carrying around that tension can't be good for you.
[The door hits Dewey as Hal enters the room. Reese backs away from the window and hides the shovel behind his back.]
Dewey: Oh! Dad's here!
Hal: Who wants ice cream?


Quote from Lois

Karen: Look at that house. It's perfect! [stomps on flowers]
Lois: No, no, no! We didn't come here for a mindless vandalism. We came to screw up her car! See how she feels when she's ten minutes late for car pool like a real person! She probably won't even be able to get out of bed on a morning!
Julie: This time next year she's gonna be living in a trailer with little ceramic donkey in the front yard. [all giggle drunkenly]
Lois: Shhh!

Quote from Lois

Lois: She's wearing pearls to make cookies?!
Julie: Doilies! What kind of a monster is this woman?
Karen: Oh, God! Those cookies smell good! Let's kill her and eat them!

Quote from Lois

Julie: Oh, one of us should probably know something about cars.
Lois: It doesn't matter! Just pull some of the wires! Let's get out of here!
[Karen cackles as she sets the trashcan on fire and kicks it onto the front lawn]
Lois: Karen! Karen! You've gotta stop! Karen! You've gotta settle down!
Karen: [falls over] Whoa! Whoa!
Lois: Karen, why don't you see if you can say the alphabet backward?
Karen: Z, y, x, w, v, u, t, s, r, q, p, o, m, n, I, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a! [giggles] I've been pulled over a few times.
Woman #1: Hey, Lillian's gone.
Lois: What do you mean, Lillian's gone?
[Lillian opens her front door and cocks a rifle]
Lois: Run! [all scream]

Quote from Francis

Francis: It's a pointless exercise! You haven't proven a thing. You certainly haven't determined what my limits are. None of this has bothered me and if you think it has, the joke is on you!
Roy: Clench. [makes Francis hold travel mug between his feet]

Quote from Malcolm

Reese: Why is he making us watch a documentary about salt?
Malcolm: Would you rather still be locked in the bathroom?
Dewey: Or being chased by the huggle monster?
Reese: Would you just do something!
Malcolm: I'm trying! Every time we make a move he's two steps ahead of us. He's impossible to predict! At least with Mom you get a little consistency, but Dad's operating on a whole other plane. [sighs]
Dewey: Hey, you can put salt on French fries!

Quote from Francis

Roy: Wow, Francis, I've never had anyone empty the box before! I'm outta props!
Francis: You know, I wasn't on board with your little experiment at first but I've got to admit, I learned a lot about myself tonight. I mean, who am I to judge people for the choices they make? You know, from now on I'm gonna be a bit more understanding and a lot more humble.
Roy: Wanna stop for some dinner?
Francis: What, like this? Sure! Why not like this?

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