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Season 6, Episode 19 -  Aired March 21, 2011

When Barney finally meets his father, he has trouble accepting the man he's become. Meanwhile, Marshall feels the gang are still treating him with kid gloves after his father died.

Quote from Lily

Marshall: I can't believe Barney's talking to his dad right now.
Robin: Yeah, what do you say after three decades of not seeing each other?
Lily: "So, how about those last 30 Super Bowls"?


Quote from Barney

Barney: Guys, my dad's awesome! He's the mother of all fathers. Check this out. Back when I was a kid, you used to be a roadie. You still do that?
Jerry: Not anymore. Back in '83, I'm luggin' amps for the Stones through West Germany and their tour manager loses his arms bus-surfing through a tunnel.
Barney: Gnarly.
Jerry: Long story short, I've been managing tours ever since, and... that dude high-fives people with his face now.
Barney: You're funny. My dad's funny.

Quote from Barney

Barney: And he's still out there livin' the dream.
[flashback to Barney meeting with Jerry at MacLaren's:]
Jerry: So I'm going to Sydney tomorrow with Bon Jovi. I'll be on the road the rest of the year.
Barney: Oh, that's cool.
Jerry: Hey. You wanna join me for the tour's Asian leg?
Barney: This is going to be the second most fun I've ever had on an Asian leg!

Quote from Lily

Ted: I hope Barney's dad isn't just pretending to be something he's not.
Lily: Yeah. That would make Jerry a real chama-lee-on.
Ted: You have gaps too, Lily!
Lily: You got nothin' on me.
[flashback to the gang in the apartment:]
Marshall: Lily, can you toss me a beer?
Lily: Sure, honey. [throws beer, it smashes up against the wall]
Ted: You have terrible aim.
Lily: That's not true.
Marshall: Lily, at our apartment, you're the one who pees on the floor.

Quote from Barney

Robin: Oh, my God. Barney's dad.
Jerry: Hey, uh, you're Barney's friends, right?
Marshall: Yeah. But aren't you supposed to be off managing some tour in Australia?
Jerry: What? No, I'm a driving instructor up in White Plains. And I need your help. Barney won't return my calls.

Quote from Barney

[flashback to Barney and Jerry meeting at MacLaren's:]
Barney: Hey, um, when I was a kid, you used to be a roadie. You still do that?
Jerry: No. I switched lanes years ago. [laughs] I should explain. I'm a driving instructor. Now you get it, right?
Barney: Yeah. No, I get it. Um, but when I was a kid, you... You were this total badass.
Jerry: Oh, I know. I was a real hard partyer.
Barney: Yeah, okay. Now we're getting to the good stuff.
Jerry: The drugs, the alcohol, the women.
Barney: Yes. Yes. Yes.
Jerry: I was outta control.
Barney: [high-pitched] Outta control!
Jerry: So when your mom said I couldn't see you anymore, it was rock bottom for me. I'm so sorry.
Barney: You ever bang Stevie Nicks?

Quote from Barney

Jerry: I could tell he just wanted me to be this big ladies' man. So...
[flashback to Barney and Jerry meeting at MacLaren's:]
Jerry: Oh, what a hottie, huh?
Barney: I'm sure you're a real player.
Jerry: Oh, big time. Yeah. Observe.
[Jerry downs his milk, stands up and manages to crick his neck. Jerry walks over to the woman at the bar.]
Jerry: Excuse me. That's my son over there. I'm trying to reconnect with him after 30 years. Uh, would you just write down any seven numbers here so that I can impress him. Please. I'm desperate. [returns to Barney]
Barney: Oh, my God. You're a natural. Think of the pickup plays we can run as a father-son duo. There's the "Father Knows Breast." There's the "Bush Dynasty." The "Lick Father, Lick Son."

Quote from Robin

Lily: Guess now we wait.
Marshall: Hey, I got an idea how to pass the time. Little trivia game. Robin. Reindeer, real or fake?
Robin: Okay, I'm not an idiot. Reindeer are obviously f-f-f... real.

Quote from Robin

Marshall: Yikes! I'm surrounded by a bunch of dum-dums. Good thing I don't have any gaps in my knowledge. I am perfect. Oh, for the love of God, guys. Enough already.
Lily: What, baby?
Marshall: You've been treating me with kid gloves ever since my dad died.
Robin: That's not true.
Lily: Robin, don't disagree with Marshall.
Robin: I'm sorry.

Quote from Barney

Cheryl: J.J., dinner!
Jerry: Uh, when I got your letter, I dug this up. You were probably too young to remember. But this is you. This is me. And of course ZZ Top.
Barney: I do remember that. I climbed up on that dude's lap and told him what I wanted for Christmas.
Jerry: Yeah. Well, I used to love taking you backstage. You were the coolest little kid.
J.J.: Hi, Barney. It's great to finally meet you.
Barney: J.J., I'm talkin' to Dad right now. God!

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