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Season 9, Episode 20 - Aired March 10, 2014

The guys go on a quest to figure out where Lily went during her argument with Marshall the night before. Meanwhile, Robin wonders if she's marrying someone just like her father when her mother talks about her failed marriage.

Quote from Ted

Ted: The problem was, Lily didn't want to smoke in front of her new employer. So when she arrived at the Captain's house, there was one possible course of action.
Lily: Can I use your powder room?
Ted: Now, you're Lily. You've just had a cigarette in your boss's powder room. What do you do with the cigarette butt? The window? Flush it?
Marshall: No, she wouldn't do either of those things. She's an environmentalist.
Ted: Stick it in your purse?
Billy Zabka: Marshall could find it there.
Ranjit: Throw it in the trash can?
Becky: The Captain would find it there.


Quote from The Captain

The Captain: Hide it in a boat.
Ted: A boat? How would that even...?
The Captain: I don't know. I just... I like boats.

Quote from Lily

Marshall: No. There's only one place that she would put it. The place where, eventually, it would decompose, and serve as a natural mulch. It's in the daisy.
Ted: And sure enough, if I dig around I am all but guaranteed to find... a pregnancy test.
Billy Zabka: You could smoke those?
[flashback to Lily throwing up in the train toilet:]
Lily: Oh, no.
[flashback to Lily at the Farhampton Inn bar:]
Linus: So, you want the Kennedy Package?
Lily: Bingo. One other little thing. When you do put a drink in my hand, let's make it non-alcoholic. There's a chance I might be pregnant. Okay, Linus, don't start popping the sparkling cider just yet. I'm just being cautious. I'll take a test when I get home. It can wait.
[flashback to Lily and Marshall arguing:]
Marshall: Are Marvin, and I and any other future children we may have just some consolation prize?
Lily: I have to get out of here.
[flashback to Lily about to leave the Farhampton Inn:]
Lily: It can't wait.
[flashback to Lily buying the pregnancy test and then going to The Captain's:]
Becky: Lily, what a lovely...
Lily: Can I use your powder room?
[in the bathroom:]
Lily: Two minutes. Here we go.
Marshall: Guys, we need to go back to the hotel.

Quote from Marshall

Lily: I'm sorry, I was gonna tell you tonight.
Marshall: No. Oh, my God, no, it's fine. There's so much we have to do. You know, we have... We have to do research on hospitals in Italy, and we have to...
Lily: But we're not going to Italy.
Marshall: Of course we are. Lily, we have to do this. You're gonna live in Rome. And you're gonna get your dream, because... Because you're giving me mine. Again.
Lily: But there's gonna be all sorts of paperwork... And if she's born outside of the U.S. She can never become president...
Marshall: It's a girl?
Lily: Oh, I don't know. But in my mind, I kind of think she is.
Marshall: I love you so much.

Quote from Robin

Genevieve: Oh, darling. Oh, you're going to be fine. You know, for every marriage in the world like I had with your dad, you know, there's a marriage like those two in there. Marriage, it's... Oh, it's terrifying. It's like flying. You know, you're filled with this mortal dread. But if you find someone you feel safe with, it's like flying. But if you've got someone that you feel is really there for you, someone you can depend on, you're gonna be fine. Do you have someone like that?
Robin: I do.

Quote from Marshall

[one year later, all in Italian:]
Marshall: "C'mon, bro, don't bogart the Funyuns."
Lily: "I'm not bogarting them. There's another bag in the kitchen."
Marshall: "Lily, my darling. I'm the one who boxed up those Funyuns and shipped them here from New York. So it would be nice if you didn't eat them all."
Lily: "Who brings food to Italy? It's Italy!"
Marshall: "Then when are you eating my Funyuns?"
Lily: "You don't want me to eat your Funyuns? Fine. Let's take the kids to the square for some gelato."
Marshall: "Now you're talking. Mickey! Let's go get some gelato."
Mickey: "That's a great idea. I've got the kids in the stroller and everything. Principessa! We're going to get some gelato."
Judy: "You betcha."
Marshall: "My beautiful children. Good morning, Marvin. Good morning, Daisy."

Quote from Robin

Future Ted: [v.o.] It was the day of Barney and Robin's wedding and a surprise guest had just arrived.
Robin: Mom, I can't believe you're here. How did you get here?
Genevieve: On a plane.
Robin: With your fear of flying? What, did the plane drive here?
Genevieve: Ha, ha! I've made enormous strides since you last saw me, dear.
[flashback to Genevieve on the plane:]
Genevieve: This is nice. I don't love flying, I must admit. I haven't been on a plane in years, but maybe this won't be such a bad...
Captain: [o.s.] We are cleared for takeoff.
Genevieve: [screams] We're all gonna die! We're all gonna die! Aah!
Genevieve: During the flight, I'll admit I had a few difficult moments. But, you know, by the time we'd landed...
Genevieve: Here already? Well, I have to say, it wasn't so dreadful after all. Oh, I do apologize if I caused any distress. And, oh, I'm terribly sorry about the door. I had no idea it would fly off like that. Please, please, send me a bill, because I'd like to replace it.
Genevieve: I'll be taking the train home.

Quote from Barney

Ted: Marshall, you, uh, don't sound too excited to become a judge.
Marshall: I feel kind of guilty about it. I know how badly Lily wanted to move to Italy.
Barney: Don't do this, bro. Classic mistake. You won. Enjoy it. Drink the blood of your vanquished enemy and move on.
Ranjit: You're gonna be a great husband.

Quote from Lily

Genevieve: Well, I can't wait to meet this Barney. I haven't met him already, have I? Because they said after getting Tasered I might suffer from short-term memory loss.
Lily: Oh, you'd remember if you'd met Barney.

Quote from Barney

Ted: [answers phone] Barney's phone.
Lily: Ted, where's Barney?
Ted: He's trying to eat six saltines in under a minute.
Lily: Well, his future mother-in-law is here.
Ted: Robin's mom is here.
Barney: [with mouth full] Really? That's great.
Lily: And she wants to meet him.
Ted: She wants to meet you.
Barney: I'm kind of in the middle of the saltine challenge.
Ted: He's kind of in the middle of the saltine challenge.
Barney: As soon as I'm done, I'll pop on over.
Ted: As soon as he's done, he'll just pop right over.

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