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Shopping Around

‘Shopping Around’

Season 5, Episode 24 - Aired May 7, 1996

As things get serious between Tim's mother, Lucille (Bonnie Bartlett), and his old shop teacher, Mr. Leonard (Dick O'Neill), Tim catches Mr. Leonard out with another woman.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Hey, Mr. Leonard. Come on in. Have a seat.
Mr. Leonard: I only wish I could.
Tim: Still a little tender in that area, huh?
Mr. Leonard: Whoa. I got shot in the butt in Korea, it didn't hurt this much.


Quote from Tim

Lucille: Oh, I'm so sorry I'm late. Oh, Art!
Mr. Leonard: Hey, beautiful! My gosh! You're as pretty as a peach in a little red wagon.
Jill: How come you never say stuff like that to me?
Tim: I didn't even understand it.

Quote from Tim

Jill: Come on, Tim. You know they're seeing each other.
Tim: Yeah, but I thought they were seeing each other like old people see each other. You know, eating dinner at 4:30, watching Matlock.
Jill: They're old, Tim, they're not dead.
Tim: [laughs] You're not suggesting that they...
Jill: They might be.
Tim: Oh, no.
Jill: Come on, just because they're older doesn't mean they don't have the same urges we have.
Tim: You know, this is an area I don't want to discuss, OK?
Jill: Tim, you are an adult. I mean, you should be able to think of your mother as a sexual being.
Tim: [winces, groans]

Quote from Tim

Jill: I got to go to the ladies' room.
Tim: All right. Wash your hands.
Jill: What?
Tim: I thought I was with the boys. You don't need to wash your hands.
Jill: Thank you.

Quote from Brad

Mark: Are you and Mr. Leonard gonna get married?
Lucille: Oh, I don't know. I guess it's a possibility someday. We're not ready yet.
Randy: Are you gonna live together first, like Mom and Dad did?
Lucille: Wait a minute. Are you saying that before they got married your mom and dad lived together?
Randy: Oh, no, no. See, what I said is that before they got married they loved good weather. See?
Brad: You know, Grandma, maybe you ought to think about getting your ears checked.
Lucille: My hearing is just fine.
Brad: How's your memory?

Quote from Tim

Jill: We have got to tell her.
Tim: No, we're not gonna tell her. Tomorrow, I'll talk to Mr. Leonard tool man to tool man, OK?
Jill: We're just going to pretend nothing happened?
Tim: That's how we do it in my family. She still doesn't know that through the summer of love I hitchhiked to Indy... or that you and I lived together before we were married.

Quote from Tim

Lucille: You know, I didn't expect you home so early. Maybe I'll go over to Art's and surprise him.
Jill: Well, that would surprise him. But you don't want to do that.
Lucille: Why? Do you think he's in bed?
Tim: I'd bet on it.
Lucille: 9:30 on a Saturday night? I'm sure he's still up.
Tim: Mom, you can't go.
Lucille: Why not?
Tim: Because, gosh darn it! I miss you.
Jill: You should go see Art tomorrow.
Lucille: OK. I guess that can be done.
Tim: Great. Let's have some coffee. We'll talk about all the things we haven't talked about.
Lucille: OK. Why not start with how you two lived together before you got married?
Tim: [to Jill] Hey, you handle that. I'll make the coffee.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Where's Mr. Leonard?
Al: He called to say he's running a little late.
Tim: Oh, I bet he's running late! Probably picking up babes down at the Social Security Office.

Quote from Al

Al: You guys, we're on in three minutes!
Wilson: Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Oh, dear!
Al: Tim, stand away from Wilson.
Tim: Why?
Al: Don't ask.

Quote from Tim

Al: Well, now that we've shown you Wilson's metal sculptures...
Tim: I'm Spartacus. No, I'm Spartacus. I am Spartacus. Ask anybody, I'm... No, I'm Spartacus. OK, you're Spartacus. You go ahead with that Spartacus stuff. Get whipped.
Al: Spartacus and I will be right back after these messages with Tim's high-school shop teacher, Mr.
Tim: He's gonna show us how to customize a mailbox, so stay tuned.

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