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Quote from Tim in Shopping Around

Lucille: You know, I didn't expect you home so early. Maybe I'll go over to Art's and surprise him.
Jill: Well, that would surprise him. But you don't want to do that.
Lucille: Why? Do you think he's in bed?
Tim: I'd bet on it.
Lucille: 9:30 on a Saturday night? I'm sure he's still up.
Tim: Mom, you can't go.
Lucille: Why not?
Tim: Because, gosh darn it! I miss you.
Jill: You should go see Art tomorrow.
Lucille: OK. I guess that can be done.
Tim: Great. Let's have some coffee. We'll talk about all the things we haven't talked about.
Lucille: OK. Why not start with how you two lived together before you got married?
Tim: [to Jill] Hey, you handle that. I'll make the coffee.

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