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Season 8, Episode 6 - Aired October 27, 1998

Tim fears he's lost the ability to scare people when his Halloween pranks fall flat. After Tim encourages Wilson to break up from his new girlfriend at a Halloween party, Wilson mysteriously vanishes.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Great party. So, what's with Agatha?
Wilson: Oh, you think she's odd, don't you?
Tim: Well, I don't know. "Odd" is kind of a strong word. Confusing, interesting, and kind of...
Wilson: Oh, Tim, you think she's mildly delusional.
Tim: I think she's a certifiable nut case, to be honest with you.
Wilson: I find her a little bit peculiar myself.
Tim: Well, why is she still your special friend, then?
Wilson: Tim, I've tried to break up with her three times, but she won't take no for an answer. I mean, have you ever dated a woman who scared you? [Tim waves to Jill] I mean, if you were in my position, what would you do?
Tim: Well, like you would tell me. I mean... You gotta be honest, straightforward. Tell her that it's just, you know, nicely, that it's over.
Wilson: Yes.
Tim: And if that doesn't work, drop a house on her.


Quote from Tim

Tim: Well, I just steered Wilson's romantic life in the right direction.
Jill: What are you talking about?
Tim: Well, he wasn't getting along with his new special friend. So I suggested he just call it off.
Jill: Tim, you shouldn't be butting into his personal life! I can't believe he listened to you!
Tim: We're very close friends, you know? He trusts me. We talk about emotional stuff. You know, I'm a lot more perceptive than you give me credit for.
Jill: Really?
Tim: Yes.
Jill: Your tail's on fire.

Quote from Tim

Jill: Wilson's phone is still busy.
Tim: It's probably Agatha trying to yak her way back into his life.
Brad: Hey, guys. When's dinner? I'm starving.
Tim: We're waiting for Wilson. He was supposed to be here for dinner 30 minutes ago.
Jill: This is not like Wilson. He's usually very punctual.
Tim: Well, maybe the wind shifted, he caught a whiff of your meat loaf.

Quote from Brad

Tim: You guys stay here. I'll go over there. But I'm gonna need some protection, guys.
[Tim picks up a pan lid and a meat fork]
Brad: Well, that's a great weapon if you're attacked by a brisket.

Quote from Tim

Detective Roberts: Do you know of anyone who might hold a grudge against Mr. Wilson?
Tim: Yeah. This Agatha.
Detective Roberts: You got a last name?
Tim: No.
Detective Roberts: Can you give me a description?
Tim: Yeah. She was about 5'7", blonde hair, good-looking, a witch. A witch?
Detective Roberts: I better call the boys from the Emerald City precinct.
Tim: No, no, no. She said she was a real witch.

Quote from Jill

Brad: Hey, Dad. What's going on?
Tim: Well, McMillan and Wife think I had something to do with his disappearance.
Brad: You?
Detective MacIntyre: My name is Maclntyre.
Detective Roberts: I'm Roberts.
Jill: I'm Taylor.

Quote from Tim

Wilson: Little Mozart. Little Mozart. Little... Mozart! Where are you?
Tim: [o.s.] Hey, Wilson! He's up here! Somehow he got out of the cage. He's up here on this wire!
Wilson: Tim, you be careful!
Tim: [o.s.] It's okay. I got him. He's right next to me. Come here, Mozart! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... [screams]
Wilson: Oh, my God! Oh, Lord! Tim! Tim! Tim, are you all right? Tim?
[As Wilson checks on the body that fell from the roof, Tim walks up behind him]
Tim: [chuckles] Who's the king now?
Mozart: Tim's the king. Tim's the king.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Wow, is it Halloween already? Geez! It slipped my mind. Before you guys go, would one of you get me some juice?
Brad: Okay.
[When Brad opens the refrigerator, it is filled with bloody plastic heads. Brad grabs one]
Brad: Oh, cute, Dad.
Mark: Nice head.
Tim: Cute?
Brad: Did I say cute? I meant terrifying! Ooh!
Tim: That didn't shock you at all?
Mark: I tried to be scared.

Quote from Tim

Jill: Good morning, sweetie.
Tim: Good morning!
Jill: I have so many things to do today, I don't even know where to get started.
Tim: Hey, you could start off with a nice hot, relaxing cup of tea.
Jill: Oh, that's a good idea.
[When Jill turns on the tap, a bloody plastic limb pops out of the disposal]
Jill: Oh, my God! Today is Halloween! I almost forgot. I gotta go pick up those costumes before Wilson's party tonight.
Tim: Honey?
Jill: What? [off Tim's look] Oh! I'm sorry, honey. That was really an adorable gag.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Can we take a look at our first device over here?
Al: What's wrong with your hands?
Tim: Nothing. Nothing at all. Just fell asleep backstage. I'll do this... [hammers his "hand"] Probably be up all night now. All right. Now, look at this. You don't see craftsmanship like this anymore.
Al: Thank goodness! This happens to be a rack. It was used to pull people apart.
Tim: But not today! Today it's a lovely fabric stretcher. Just follow me. Let's say you've shrunk your wife's favorite sweater, right? A few cranks on this bad boy, it is good as new.
Al: If your wife happens to be an orangutan.
Tim: Don't rule it out, buddy. Your old clock is ticking, Al. And I mean that in a very nice way.
Al: You know, I'm not falling for this ridiculously fake arm for one second!
Tim: What are you talking about, fake arms? I have a pinched nerve. You laughing at that? Never mind him.

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