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Rory's Birthday Parties

‘Rory's Birthday Parties’

Season 1, Episode 6 - Aired November 9, 2000

Rory gets two parties for her birthday: a formal event thrown by her grandmother, and a casual, fun party thrown by Lorelai.

Quote from Emily

Rory: I guess I'd better go find Grandma.
Lorelai: Hmm. Give her a minute.
Emily: [enters] There you are.
Lorelai: She'll find us.
Emily: You are both being very rude. This isn't my birthday party, you know.
Lorelai: Sorry, Mom.
Emily: Honestly, the way the two of you act.
Rory: Grandma, I just want to say-
Emily: We'll talk about this later. Now go.


Quote from Emily

Emily: You two should get going. You've got quite a drive ahead.
Rory: Grandma, we're having a party tomorrow at our house. And, I mean, it won't be anything like this but it will be fun. And maybe you and Grandpa could come.
Emily: Well, that's very sweet, dear, but I'm afraid we already have plans.
Rory: Oh. Okay.
Emily: Have a safe trip. Lock the door behind you.

Quote from Rory

Rory: No, I've gotta get going.
Lorelai: Where?
Rory: The college fair is today.
Lorelai: So you're going to get another Harvard brochure?
Rory: I just wanna see if they've changed the pictures.
Lorelai: Weirdo.

Quote from Paris

Paris: Okay. So... are you dating Tristin?
Rory: What? No way.
Paris: Do you like him?
Rory: Not even a little.
Paris: Really?
Rory: Really.
Paris: Okay. Nice party.
Rory: Thanks.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: All right, everybody, I need your attention. Attention, please. This is a very serious moment. Two priests, a rabbi, and a duck- [laughter]
Rory: Mom.
Lorelai: All right, I'm kidding. Um... I would like to propose a toast to the one thing in my life that is always good always sweet and without whom I would have no reason to get up in the morning. My pal Rory. Cheers.
All: Cheers.
Lorelai: Here's to you, birthday girl. And in honor of this very special girl I now invite you all to help me eat her face. [laughter]
Sookie: And you may have the first cut.
Rory: There's something very strange about hacking into my own head.
Lorelai: [doorbell rings] Jeez, who the hell's ringing the bell? It's a party. Get your ass in here. [Richard and Emily enter] Or asses, I guess.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Grandma, Grandpa... I can't believe you're here. I'm so glad you came. Hey, no tie?
Richard: I thought I'd mix it up a little. [chuckles]
Rory: Grandma, look.
Emily: Why, it looks lovely.
Rory: I want you to meet everyone. Everyone, these are my grandparents.
All: Hi.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Mom, Dad, can I get you a drink?
Emily: No, thank you.
Lorelai: Oh, now, Mom, you're gonna need one. And I have wine glasses that say "Holiday Inn" on them.
Emily: Stoli on the rocks with a twist.
Lorelai: Right.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Um, okay, my parents are here.
Sookie: No.
Lorelai: Uh, yeah. I've cursed in front of them twice, Miss Patty already tried to hit on my dad and I'm sure Mom's gonna call Child Protective Services.
Sookie: God, when was the last time they were here?
Lorelai: Never.
Sookie: Not once?
Lorelai: Not since we moved here. I mean, they'd come down and visit us occasionally when Rory was a baby and we lived at the inn, but they have never been here.
Sookie: Wow. That's big stuff. Is Rory thrilled?
Lorelai: Through the roof.
Sookie: Oh, that's great.

Quote from Luke

Sookie: Okay, don't panic.
Lorelai: Ooh, good opening line. What's wrong?
Sookie: We're out of ice.
Lorelai: How can we be out of ice? We had a ton of ice. It was like a penguin habitat in there.
Sookie: I don't know how it happened. I just know it happened. And somehow we have to deal with it.
Lorelai: Well, I will go and get some then. [Luke enters with a bag of ice] Oh, my God. You're a vision! Sookie, we have ice.
Sookie: Hallelujah.
Lorelai: How did you know?
Luke: Well, a good rule of thumb is you can never have too much ice.
Lorelai: Oh, you're the best! [hugs Luke] Hi, Mom. This is my friend Luke.
Luke: How do you do?
Emily: Fine, thank you.
Luke: Well, I'd better get these in the freezer before they melt.
Lorelai: Hmm. Not very likely in here.

Quote from Babette

Babette: Morey, you remember the time that Rory decided that our old tree stump was a fairy ring?
Morey: I sure do.
Babette: How old was she then, sugar?
Morey: I think she was about 10.
Rory: Okay, all I know is that it matched the description.
Babette: Oh, God, she was cute. She used to sit out there with a peanut-butter sandwich just waiting for the fairy to get hungry.

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