Lorelai Quote #67
Quote from Lorelai in The Deer Hunters
Lorelai: All right, fine. Here's your serious paper.
Rory: Thank you.
Lorelai: And here are your somber highlighters, your maudlin pencils, your manic-depressive pens.
Rory: Mom.
Lorelai: Now, these erasers are on lithium. So they seem cheerful but we caught them trying to shove themselves in the pencil sharpener.
Rory: I'm going home.
Lorelai: No, wait. We're gonna stage an intervention with the neon Post-its and make them give up their wacky, crazy ways.
Rory: You're never coming shopping with me again.
Gilmore Girls Quotes
‘The Deer Hunters’ Quotes
Quote from Rory
Rory: [on the phone] Oh, my God!
Lane: Are you all right?
Rory: I just got hit by a deer!
Lane: You hit a deer?
Rory: No! I got hit by a deer.
Lane: How do you get hit by a deer?
Rory: I was at a stop sign, and he hit me!
Quote from Sookie
Sookie: He said my risotto was fine.
Lorelai: Isn't it?
Sookie: No, it's not fine. Fine is a word you use when someone stops you on the street that you sort of know, but you don't want to talk to. They ask you how you are, and you say "Fine." And that's enough so they don't have to keep talking to you, "cause they don't want to. Then they can feel good because they've been considerate enough to ask and if, God forbid, something actually is wrong they'll actually sit down, take time and listen, even if they don't want to.
Lorelai: Sookie, I don't think he meant fine as a slam or as a monologue.
Sookie: He couldn't have meant it any other way.
Lorelai: Sookie, I hate to see you get so upset over one little review.
Sookie: This is pride, Lorelai. I mean, you know about this risotto. I mean, on my mother's deathbed-
Lorelai: You made the risotto and she lived three more years.
Sookie: She was supposed to be dead. The doctor said she wouldn't live through the night.
Lorelai: And she lived because of the risotto, the magic risotto.
Sookie: And this guy had the nerve to say it was fine.
Lorelai: I don't think he knew the story.
Quote from Lane
Lane: [on the phone] Was it a four-way stop?
Rory: What does that matter?
Lane: I don't know. I don't know what to ask after you've been hit by a deer.
Rory: I don't see him.
Lane: Well, put salt down. Deer love salt.
Rory: Where am I gonna get salt?
Lane: Do you have a lunch?
Rory: Lane!
Lane: Sorry.