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‘Last Week Fights, This Week Tights’

Season 4, Episode 21 - Aired May 11, 2004

Rory must seem particularly lonely as everyone keeps pestering her about her love life. Meanwhile, Luke's sister Liz and her boyfriend T.J. are set for their Renaissance wedding in Stars Hollow.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Oh, you want to know something weird?
Luke: What?
Lorelai: When I was at Miss Patty's, Jess was there. And he had his backpack, and it was open, and I saw this book. I thought I was seeing things.
Luke: A book?
Lorelai: Yes. It was a self-help book with some goofy title like, "Learn to Love" or "How to Love When You're Unloved" or something like that. Isn't that bizarre?
Luke: [chuckles] I don't know.
Lorelai: Well, I'll answer for you. It is bizarre.


Quote from Luke

Luke: Well, maybe he's just trying to learn something, better himself.
Lorelai: Have you seen this book?
Luke: I know nothing about this book.
Lorelai: Luke, those kinds of books are idiotic.
Luke: Not if they help people.
Lorelai: I can't believe you're not mocking this book, which is so pathetically mockable.
Luke: Maybe it's more pathetic if people don't try. And maybe he's trying. You ever think of that?
Lorelai: No, but-
Luke: He can read whatever he wants to read. I forgot to get something to drink. You need something to drink?
Lorelai: I'm fine.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Well, good night.
Luke: We should do it again.
Lorelai: What, you got another wedding coming up?
Luke: Nah, I meant have fun. You know, like a movie or something.
Lorelai: I didn't think you were a movie guy.
Luke: I can be a movie guy. You like movies.
Lorelai: Yeah. Good, bad, and in-between.
Luke: How 'bout next week? Sunday?
Lorelai: Sunday?
Luke: Sunday, you free?
Lorelai: I think so.
Luke: Okay, good.
Lorelai: Good.
Luke: Good.
Lorelai: Good.
Luke: I'll see you before then, but I'll see you then, too.
Lorelai: Yeah, I'll see you both of those thens.

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