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I'm OK, You're OK

‘I'm OK, You're OK’

Season 6, Episode 17 - Aired April 4, 2006

After Rory moves back in with Logan, she leaves to spend the day with Lorelai in Stars Hollow. Lorelai is surprised by even more visitors when Richard and Emily swing by Stars Hollow as well.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: You're hiding your flowers?
Lorelai: Yes. 'Cause when people see flowers, they feel happy and welcome. It's important that my parents have as few positive associations about being here as possible.
Rory: Well, we could hit them over the head with mallets when they walk in the door.
Lorelai: No, but I do have this incredibly bad-smelling perfume that Luke gave me for Christmas last year that I could spray around the house. It's like a cross between Love's Baby Soft and Curious by Britney Spears, with just a hint of Lysol thrown in.
Rory: Delightful.
Lorelai: Well, God bless him, he tries.


Quote from Sookie

Sookie: Okay, we've got mac 'n' cheese. We've got taquitos. We've got little bitty hotdogs.
Lorelai: Wait, Sookie, what is all this stuff?
Sookie: What? I made your favorites.
Lorelai: But my parents aren't gonna eat any of this.
Sookie: Your parents? I thought this was for you.
Lorelai: You thought I wanted to sit by myself and eat an entire buffet of the world's most fattening food?
Sookie: I don't know. I figured it was just one of your cravings or maybe just a fun way to announce that you're pregnant.
Lorelai: What?
Sookie: Well, you were saying something about being a sudden parent or expecting or being due soon. It's impossible to hear anything over that damn Cuisinart and all those gossiping busboys. So you're not pregnant?
Lorelai: No. I'm just expecting my parents over any minute.
Sookie: Oh. Yeah, that makes sense, too.

Quote from Sookie

Lorelai: Okay, okay. Now, the food.
Sookie: Right. Okay. The mini hotdogs can be bratwurst. The mac 'n' cheese can be pasta à la Sookie. And presto, the taquitos are blinis.
Lorelai: And the chili fries?
Sookie: Are chili fries.
Lorelai: Right.

Quote from Emily

Emily: Richard, I've seen that boat. It's Luke's.
Richard: Well, it doesn't look very seaworthy.
Lorelai: It's a work in progress. It was his father's.
Emily: Luke keeps his dead father's boat locked away in your garage?
Lorelai: Mother.
Emily: What? I'm just saying, isn't that kind of morbid?
Lorelai: It's not like he's using it to hold his bones.

Quote from Emily

Emily: Well, well, I had no idea you'd had so much work done.
Lorelai: No, it's nothing extensive. A nip here. A tuck there.
Emily: This room's been completely redone.
Lorelai: A nip, nip, nip, tuck, tuck, tuck.
Emily: Apparently, you haven't installed the heat yet.

Quote from Emily

Emily: What's this?
Rory: That's Paul Anka.
Emily: You have a dog?
Lorelai: I just got him.
Emily: When?
Lorelai: Yesterday. Oh, fast learner, that one.
Emily: You should open an obedience school. You'd make a fortune.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Your parents are exhausting.
Lorelai: Not as exhausting as your grandparents.
Rory: That was Luke at the door, wasn't it?
Lorelai: Yeah. Okay, second wind. Now, the early-bird dinner made immediate eating unnecessary, so I say we go straight to the movie and pick up a pizza on the way home.
Rory: Perfect.
Lorelai: Or perhaps we could get pizza on the way there and sneak it in, just in case.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Come on, troublemaker. Put that evil mind to better use here.
Rory: Fine. Last half of Nanny McPhee, first half of Final Destination 3.
Lorelai: Brilliant. Now that is what a mind is for, my friend.

Quote from Kirk

Lorelai: You're a realtor?
Kirk: Trainee, technically.
Lorelai: Well, take your training somewhere else, okay? You're scaring away all my customers. And my staff.
Kirk: Unfortunately, there is nowhere else. Trainees don't get offices. Or salaries. Or jackets, actually.
I'm supposed to be having this dry-cleaned for one of the senior brokers. Smells a little funky, but fits like a dream. [into headset] You've got Kirk. Yes, Mrs. Zellner. Right, the Dragonfly Inn. See you this afternoon.
Lorelai: Wait, you're meeting clients here?
Kirk: Only a few.
Lorelai: No.
Kirk: I promise I'll be out of your hair as soon as I make my bones. I just need a temporary place to conduct my business and potentially have sex with prospective clients.
Lorelai: What?
Kirk: That's Kirk's other thing. The young, virile, eye-candy angle for lonely widows and aging divorcées. Works like a charm. I plan on running it by Lulu, of course.

Quote from Kirk

Lorelai: Kirk, get out of here. Take your jacket and your dippy Star Trek device and your creepy new career and scram.
Kirk: Fine. But I would've expected a little more cooperation from you, considering what I'm doing for your parents.
Lorelai: What are you doing for my parents?
Kirk: Oh, shoot. I should not have said that.
Lorelai: Said what?
Kirk: Nothing. I can neither confirm nor deny that your parents are looking for a place in Stars Hollow.
Lorelai: [gasps] My parents are looking for a place in Stars Hollow?
Kirk: I can't say. The realtor trainee-client privilege is sacrosanct. The manual's very clear on that.
Lorelai: How long have they been looking?
Kirk: I've already said too much. It isn't even my account. The entire firm is working on it.
Lorelai: How long, Kirk?
Kirk: All I know is they're looking, they're pricing. They've seen three gracious single-family Tudors this week, and they have a 2:00 p.m. showing tomorrow at 546 Oak Ridge Lane. But I cannot and will not violate their confidence.

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