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Ballrooms and Biscotti

‘Ballrooms and Biscotti’

Season 4, Episode 1 - Aired September 23, 2003

After returning from their trip around Europe, Lorelai and Rory race through a list of things to do before Rory starts at Yale.

Quote from Luke

Luke: I am gonna kill you.
Taylor Doose: Oh, please, you are not.
Luke: I am, too. I'm gonna kill you. I should've killed you before. I should've killed you the minute you put up those unicorn topiaries in the park, but, hey, hindsight, right?


Quote from Rory

Lorelai: We should've gotten him that bullfighter's uniform.
Rory: So what do we do?
Lorelai: We have to just pick up something here and we'll tell him that we got it in Denmark.
Rory: Pick up what?
Lorelai: Something.
Rory: What? This is Stars Hollow. Everything you buy here has a "Hello, Kitty" stamped on the bottom.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Jackson, seriously, you don't wanna know?
Jackson: Hey, in the old days, the guys would pace back and forth in the waiting room until a pretty nurse in a nice white outfit would come out and say, "Congratulations. It's a 'insert your chosen sex here'." Ricky Ricardo didn't know, Dick van Dyke didn't know, and by gum, if it was good enough for Rick and Dick, it's good enough for me.

Quote from Rory

Jackson: Rory, what do you say? Be on my side.
Sookie: Jackson, there are no sides.
Jackson: We can be in that waiting room together, pacing, waiting, we'll get you a nice suit. What do you say?
Rory: Okay, sure. I'm on Jackson's side.
Jackson: Great. Welcome to 1954.
Rory: Happy to be here.
Lorelai: Well, I wanna know.
Sookie: Come on, I'll tell you outside.
Lorelai: Sure you don't wanna go?
Rory: Read the button, missy. So, you hear about that whole Sputnik thing?
Jackson: Oh, Eisenhower's on top of it.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: So are you gonna name him Lorelai?
Sookie: Absolutely. That wouldn't be confusing at all.

Quote from Rory

Lorelai: Okay, that took way longer than it was supposed to. From now on, when we go out of town, no presents for anyone.
Rory: Oh, right. So we'll just buy everyone a big crate of Fruits de la Terre.
Lorelai: That horse is dead, put the stick down.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Maybe I am different. Maybe I do have an attitude.
Lorelai: I think you do.
Rory: I mean, I've always had time for the town in the past, and now suddenly I don't? Am I changing? I don't wanna change. I don't wanna be the anti-town girl. I'm not Daria.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: I can't believe you wrote the date down wrong.
Rory: I can't believe you weren't gonna let me open the mail.
Lorelai: I can't believe you wrote the date down wrong.
Rory: I can't believe you made us go to Ireland to stalk Bono.
Lorelai: This isn't fair. You have more I-can't-believe's than I do.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Oh, boy.
Lorelai: What?
Rory: I'm gonna walk right past that stupid grand opening.
Lorelai: Well, I would take the stationery store, but you're so weird about what kind of pens you like.
Rory: No, no. I'll just I'll walk really fast. Maybe Taylor won't notice me.
Lorelai: Yeah. You better walk really fast, like warp speed Mr. Sulu kind of fast.
Rory: Let's go!

Quote from Kirk

Lorelai: Kirk, no.
Kirk: Taylor paid me twenty dollars to jump out of a plane for the grand opening.
Lorelai: No!
Kirk: But I took a lesson. The guy said I was a natural at falling.
Lorelai: Kirk, listen to me, this is the best gift I could possibly give you. Don't do that, okay?
Kirk: Do I still get the jam?

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