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A-Tisket, A-Tasket

‘A-Tisket, A-Tasket’

Season 2, Episode 13 - Aired February 5, 2002

When Lorelai and Rory participate in a charity picnic basket auction in Stars Hollow, Jess drives a wedge between Rory and Dean.

Quote from Lane

Mrs. Kim: This is exactly why I make these rules. You're too young, too vulnerable. American boys have different values. They don't understand respect. You get hurt. I do all of this so you don't get hurt, and now you are hurt. I don't like this at all. Who is he? This boy who hurt you?
Lane: Henry Cho.
Mrs. Kim: Cho? Cho sounds Korean.
Lane: It is Korean.
Mrs. Kim: He was Korean?
Lane: Yes, and he was smart and wonderful and cute...
Mrs. Kim: And you're sure he was Korean?
Lane: He's gonna be a doctor. He goes to church. He's a counselor at Bible camp. And he liked me.
Mrs. Kim: A doctor!
Lane: I'm so stupid. I should have just told you and I didn't. Now he's gone, and I'm just stupid.
Mrs. Kim: Maybe I can call his mother.
Lane: I don't want to talk about this anymore.
Mrs. Kim: You're sure he was Korean?


Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: You'd much rather be sitting out here than inside working.
Luke: Diner's probably on fire by now.
Lorelai: You are stubborn.
Luke: I'm stubborn?
Lorelai: Yeah, you're stubborn.
Luke: From Miss Flexibility over here?
Lorelai: Hey, I can be flexible.
Luke: Please.
Lorelai: As long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I'm totally flexible.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: So I've decided I'm saving myself for William Holden.
Rory: Hey, it's nice out here in left field.
Sookie: I'm sorry, Sunset Boulevard was on last night and I don't know... I've known him for years, Sabrina, Stalag 17... yet, last night, something snapped.
Rory: I'll say.
Lorelai: It was the monkey scene.
Rory: You know he's dead?
Lorelai: The monkey?
Rory: William Holden.
Lorelai: Every great relationship has its obstacles. You'd know that if you weren't dating Andy Hardy.

Quote from Miss Patty

Miss Patty: Listen, darling, do you happen to have change for $1?
Lorelai: I think so.
Miss Patty: I don't know where my quarters go.
Lorelai: Down some guy's G-string, I would expect.
Miss Patty: Oh, no. A quarter would be insulting.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: You guys talk. I have to go call Patty and stop the forced mating process. I feel like Ling-Ling the panda bear. Oh, hey, one of them's seen Ghostbusters 124 times, can you say "score"?

Quote from Lane

Lane: Well, I invited my cousin David to come and bid on my basket you know, to keep my mother happy.
Rory: Uh-huh.
Lane: Then we tell my mom we're gonna go eat at the park where Henry's gonna call on the payphone at 2:00 for the all's clear sign. Then David with the $20 I give him will disappear. Henry will arrive, and we'll finally have our first date.
Rory: My head is spinning.
Lane: Stash this at Miss Patty's for me, okay?
Rory: Don't you need it for David to bid on?
Lane: No, my mom packed that one. Homemade granola, wheatgrass juice, soy-chicken taco.
Lorelai: Now our lunches are looking good.
Lane: This is the Henry basket. I went by Gianelli's and got meatball heroes and some chips. I also packed a change of clothes, makeup, makeup remover and three temporary tattoos.
Lorelai: Sure, 'cause four would be trashy.
Lane: I gotta go. Got to sneak back in my house! I'm so excited!

Quote from Luke

Lorelai: Luke, you gotta come out there with me. Patty gave my picture out to all these guys 'cause she thinks I need a man.
Luke: You do. One with a nice couch and a deep knowledge of Freud.

Quote from Luke

Lorelai: We're supposed to be eating on the ground.
Luke: Says who?
Lorelai: Every picture of a picnic shows people eating on the ground.
Luke: Yes, and every time I have seen a picture of people eating on the ground I've thought, "What the hell are you doing sitting on the ground? Spring for some beach chairs, you cheapskates."

Quote from Jess

Rory: On the bridge? That's where we're going to eat?
Jess: Yep.
Rory: Okay.
Jess: I like this place.
Rory: Wow, a place in Stars Hollow you actually like. I'm stunned.
Jess: It's got some good memories. See right over there?
Rory: Yep.
Jess: That's where Luke pushed me in.
Rory: That's nice.
Jess: It is.

Quote from Jess

Rory: So why'd you do it?
Jackson: Do what?
Rory: Outbid Dean like that.
Jackson: I don't know. I guess it started as a joke just to bug him, but then he just got so mad, you know, and he's so tall, and I just was looking at him and he's standing there all tall and mad, and I just don't know...- it was really funny.
Rory: It wasn't funny.
Jackson: Well, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't intend to do it. Does that make you feel any better?
Rory: I just don't want to be in a fight with Dean.
Jackson: I'm sorry about that. You want to push me in the lake? It's cathartic, I hear.
Rory: Maybe in a little bit.
Jackson: Whenever.

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