‘A House Is Not a Home’
Season 5, Episode 22 - Aired May 17, 2005
After Lorelai picks Rory up from the police station after she and Logan stole a boat, Rory reconsiders her future.
Quote from Lane
Mrs. Kim: I need to see your songs.
Zach: Why?
Mrs. Kim: To see if you need to make any adjustments. Lyrics must be clean.
Zach: Okay, that's where we draw the line. We will not change our lyrics.
Mrs. Kim: Oh, please. Prince made fifty-seven million take home last year. He didn't swear, and he mentioned God. Catch up.
Quote from Lane
Lane: This is your van?
Gil: Yes. But it's not really big enough for a tour van.
Lane: What are you talking about? All twenty-seven girls and their tambourines would fit very nicely in here.
Legs crossed, of course. Drums go there, bass goes there, guitars go there, Lane rides up front, and we get rid of the big salami. Pop the hood, I need to check the engine.
Lane: [to the guys] Okay, okay! I know. It's not perfect. It's not the Festival Express, but it could be really great.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: I was sitting right here. I came in, I sat right here, and we had the conversation, right? I mean, I'm not imagining it, right?
Emily: Lorelai.
Lorelai: I had coffee, you had grapefruit.
Richard: Lorelai.
Lorelai: Dad was reading the paper, he had to go, so I said I'd make it quick, and we sat here, and we talked about how we were going to stick together and convince Rory to go back to school! That did happen, right? I mean, I'm not completely whacko.
Richard: Yes, it did happen.
Lorelai: I mean, obviously I'm a little whacko, because I came here for help in the first place, but I'm not totally delusional.
Quote from Richard
Lorelai: Have you talked to Rory about this? Your great plan, does she even know about it?
Richard: Yes, she's fine with the arrangement.
Lorelai: So you went to her. Behind my back.
Richard: She came to me, Lorelai. She told me what she wanted in her own words.
Lorelai: Wow, so that does work occasionally with you, huh?
Emily: This makes sense. We don't want her to move in with Logan, do we? And since you don't want Rory to move back home to Stars Hollow, it just makes sense that she move in here with us.
Lorelai: I don't understand.
Richard: To watch her. Keep her from getting into trouble. We can get her back on track. You'll understand that once you calm down and think about it rationally.