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The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits

‘The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits’

Season 10, Episode 5 - Aired October 30, 2003

When Amy shows up on the eve of her wedding to a man she doesn't love, Rachel takes her in and tries to help her sister plot a new life. Rachel quickly regrets letting Amy babysit Emma. Meanwhile, Phoebe unintentionally ruins Mike's surprise for her, and Joey tries to help Monica and Chandler in their quest to adopt a child.

Quote from Amy

Rachel: So how's the baby-styling business going?
Amy: Not that great. It's almost as if people don't want to hear that their babies are ugly.
Rachel: That's shocking.
Amy: Oh. There's Ross. Hey, Ross. Hello, Ross? He's rude.


Quote from Amy

Rachel: Not marrying Barry was the best decision that I ever, ever made. Honey, Amy, you deserve true love. Your soul mate is out there somewhere. Someone that is your age, that is smart, that is fun and that you care about.
Amy: You're right. You're right. I'm gonna do it.
Rachel: Okay.
Amy: I'm gonna marry Myron and keep looking for Mr. Right.
Rachel: Okay, let's keep talking.

Quote from Rachel

Joey: You slept out here?
Rachel: Yeah. Amy kept kicking me in her sleep, yelling, "Myron, get off!"

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: I think she looks cute. But I am wrong.

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