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The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits

‘The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits’

Season 10, Episode 5 - Aired October 30, 2003

When Amy shows up on the eve of her wedding to a man she doesn't love, Rachel takes her in and tries to help her sister plot a new life. Rachel quickly regrets letting Amy babysit Emma. Meanwhile, Phoebe unintentionally ruins Mike's surprise for her, and Joey tries to help Monica and Chandler in their quest to adopt a child.

Quote from Joey

Joey: I got a lot of nice stuff to say about you guys, okay? And I know how much you want to have a baby and I would love to help you get one.
Monica: You know what? Then, Joey, we want you to do it.
Joey: Thank you. All right. Let me see how I'm gonna start. "Dear Baby Adoption Decider People"
Chandler: So excited about your letter.


Quote from Phoebe

Monica: Wow, don't you look nice.
Phoebe: Yes, I do. Today's Mike and my one-year anniversary.
Rachel: What's it the anniversary of? Your first date, your first kiss, first time you had sex?
Phoebe: Yeah.

Quote from Amy

Amy: Rachel, open up. It's your sister. I have to talk to you.
Ross: Hi, Amy.
Amy: You're not Rachel.
Ross: Still sharp as a tack.

Quote from Amy

Rachel: So, now, what are you doing here?
Amy: Well, I have huge news.
Rachel: Oh, sorry. Hold on. Let me check on the baby.
Amy: This is important. Can't Ella wait?
Ross: Uh, her name is Emma.
Amy: Why did you change it? Ella was so much prettier.
Ross: What do I know? I just sell Middle Eastern food from a cart.
Amy: Hey, your English is getting better.

Quote from Joey

Ross: Oh, my God.
Joey: I know. She may be the hottest girl I've ever hated.

Quote from Joey

Ross: What you working on?
Joey: Monica and Chandler's recommendation. I want it to sound smart, but I don't know any big words or anything.
Ross: Why don't you use your thesaurus?
Joey: What did I just say?
Ross: Watch. Here, you highlight the word you want to change, go under "tools" and the thesaurus generates- Gives. Gives a whole list of choices. You can pick the word that sounds smartest.
Joey: My God, that's great. I'm smart. No, no, I'm: "Brainy, bright, clever." I love this thing! Look out, ladies! Joey Tribbiani's got the whole package!

Quote from Joey

Joey: But we're getting rid of her, right? Please tell me we're getting rid of her?
Rachel: Joey, I can't do that.
Joey: Oh, come on. Last night I was finishing off a pizza, and she said: "Ooh, ooh, ooh. A moment on the lips, forever on the hips." I don't need that kind of talk in my house!

Quote from Joey

Rachel: Joey, look, I know that she's difficult but I think it's really good that she's here.
Joey: Because we'll appreciate it more when she's gone?
Rachel: No, it's just Look, you know, when I first moved to this city, I was a lot like her. I was spoiled, self-centered. And you guys really took care of me.
Joey: Yeah. Monica made us.

Quote from Joey

Amy: Uh. Sure you want to eat that?
Joey: I'm curvy and I like it!

Quote from Ross

Phoebe: Well, do you think I should propose?
Rachel: I think it could be kind of great.
Ross: Absolutely. You'll love the feeling. There's nothing like it.

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