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Something Borrowed, Something Blue

‘Something Borrowed, Something Blue’

Season 7, Episode 23 -  Aired May 18, 2000

As Daphne's wedding to Donny approaches, she finally confronts her feelings for Niles, just as he takes a step forward in his relationship with Mel.

Quote from Frasier

Martin: Daphne, could you go to the drugstore? I'm all out of liniment and my back's getting kinda achy.
Frasier: You know, Dad, that's because you've been sitting in that chair all day. I'll tell you what, you know what you could use? A good walk to the drugstore. It'd do you a world of good. I'll go with you.
Martin: Well, okay, all right. Niles, why don't you come too?
Niles: Yeah, we'll all go.
Frasier: No, no, there's something very important I need to discuss with Dad, Niles. I'm sure you understand.


Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Honestly, Dad, when will you learn to take a hint?
Martin: I can't take a hint? Couldn't you see that Niles wanted to talk to you?
[They both board the elevator where Mrs. Richman is once again waiting, sans laundry basket]
Frasier: Well, whatever it is, it can wait.
Martin: Oh, yeah. No big deal. He just got married, that's all.
Frasier: What?
Martin: He eloped with Mel yesterday.
Mrs. Richman: Poor Daphne.
Frasier: Would you please keep out of this, Mrs. Richman? We have got to get back up there. [indiscriminately presses the buttons]
Martin: We're going to the basement.
Frasier: I can't wait that long! [makes a run for it]

Quote from Daphne

Niles: So, forty-eight hours 'til the big day, you must be pretty excited.
Daphne: It's funny you should mention that. [sitting down on the couch with Niles] You see, Dr. Crane...
Niles: Yes, Daphne?
Frasier: [bursting through the door] Niles!
Daphne: Dr. Crane, you're back awfully soon.
Niles: You're all out of breath, is something wrong?
Frasier: Ah, no, no. It's just there's something I need to discuss with Niles.
Daphne: What, now? We were just having a chat!
Frasier: Well I'm sure it can wait.
Niles: Actually, Daphne, I need to talk to Frasier, too. If you don't mind.
Daphne: Oh, of course not. It's not like I have anything important to talk about! [storms out, grabbing a bag of cookies on the way]

Quote from Niles

Niles: Daphne all right?
Frasier: Well, uh, it's just wedding stuff, I guess. Speaking of which, I understand you have some, some news? You're married?
Niles: Yes. I guess Dad couldn't contain himself any more than I could.
Frasier: Well, I thought you were just gonna move in together.
Niles: Well, so did I. But then the strangest thing happened. As we talked about it, we got more and more excited about the idea of being together. And then I remembered your advice. To stop taking baby steps through life. Before we knew it, we were asking the waitress for a phone book so we could find a justice-of-the-peace.

Quote from Daphne

Frasier: Well, what can I say, but... congratulations.
Niles: Thank you.
[Martin answers the door to Mel]
Mel: Martin ... or should I say "Dad"?
Martin: Yeah, I heard.
Frasier: Mel.
Niles: Darling. Oh, darling, it occurred to me that perhaps we should keep this quiet from Daphne.
Daphne: Keep what quiet?
Mel: Oh, we can't keep something like this a secret. [takes Niles' hand] We got married!
Daphne: ... Did you?
Niles: Yes. While we were out of town. But the last thing we want is to upstage you and Donny, so we are not mentioning this outside this room.
Daphne: Well, I am just so happy for you both.

Quote from Daphne

Niles: We're having champagne. Would you like to join us?
Daphne: Oh, I'd love to. But I have to get a check down to the caterers, they're closing early today.
Frasier: Let me drive you over, Daphne.
Daphne: Oh, no, I'm fine. Congratulations again. Oh, save a glass for me.
[Daphne leaves the apartment and calls the elevator. She is weeping before the doors open to reveal Mrs. Richman, who immediately puts down her laundry basket and holds out her arms to hug Daphne.]

Quote from Daphne

Frasier: Daphne, I wanted you to know that I am just completely devastated by what happened.
Daphne: It's all right, Dr. Crane.
Frasier: It's just that when I advised you to have a chat with Niles, I had no idea that he'd run off and get married.
Daphne: I know you're concerned for me, but I'm fine. I thought about it all last night and I realize that what I was feeling was just wedding jitters. I do love your brother, but I'm in love with Donny.

Quote from Daphne

Frasier: You're not just putting on a brave face?
Daphne: No. I'm a bit embarrassed now, making you worry for no reason...
Frasier: Oh, it's all right, Daphne. It's what I do.
Daphne: You've always been such a wonderful friend. In fact, I brought this for the honeymoon, [takes the '45 Petrus out of her bag] but I'd like you to have it.
Frasier: Oh, Daphne, I couldn't.
Daphne: Donny and I aren't wine drinkers.
Frasier: I wouldn't dream of it, really.
Daphne: All right then, I'll keep it.
Frasier: Now, I've hurt your feelings. Here... [They laugh] Oh gosh, Daphne. I tell you what, I promise that when I do drink this, I'll be thinking of you.

Quote from Daphne

Niles: So, Daphne...
Daphne: Yes?
Niles: May I offer you something to drink?
Daphne: Um, no thank you.
Niles: Oh, all right. Anyway, Daphne...
Daphne: Perhaps an Orangina.
Niles: Oh, all right. Maybe I'll join you.
Daphne: Funny thing about Orangina, I never buy Orangina at home, but whenever I'm in a hotel and there's a mini-bar, it's the first thing I go for. Orangina.

Quote from Martin

Martin: Ah, excuse me.
Niles: Dad.
Martin: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were in here with Frasier. The boys are playing a game called "William Tell" with the seltzer hose. [sees Daphne] Oh. Uh, well, anyway... why don't you two go on doing whatever you were doing and I'll just, uh, I'll be down in the lobby. By the fireplace.

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