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Motor Skills

‘Motor Skills’

Season 8, Episode 11 - Aired January 30, 2001

After Frasier's car breaks down during a double date with Niles, the brothers sign up for auto repair classes so they won't be so helpless.

Quote from Frasier

Niles: Feels good to be back in class again, doesn't it?
Frasier: It's fantastic. You know, I'm almost jealous of whoever gets to sit here during the day and make learning his full-time occupation.
Niles: Well, judging from the carving on your desk, it looks like his name is "Ozzy."
Frasier: Yes, and apparently he "rules."


Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Oh, dear God. Dad, you know very well we have no room in this house for another dog, let alone a puppy. They chew the furniture, they-they dig like demons, and they soil the carpet.
Roz: The puppy's mine, Frasier.
Frasier: Oh, well, congratulations, everybody should have one.

Quote from Frasier

Martin: Now, here's Eddie's old puppy collar, and his brush, and his first chew toy.
Roz: Oh, Martin, I can't believe you kept all his things.
Martin: Well, always thought he'd have a brother or two. You know, you always think you're gonna have one more.
Frasier: Dad, I said you could have a fish.

Quote from Martin

Niles: Took me half the morning, but I finally found it.
Frasier: Good.
Martin: Found what?
Niles: Uh, a night school catalog.
Martin: Oh, what classes you guys looking for?
Niles: Auto repair.
Martin: [laughs] No, seriously.

Quote from Martin

Martin: Roz?
Roz: What?
Martin: You shouldn't play with him that way.
Roz: Why not?
Martin: If you let him stand on you, it makes him think he's dominant, and you're below him in the pack.
Roz: Oh, I didn't know that.
Martin: Don't worry, it's a common mistake. That's why I'm here. So, uh, you're just gonna let him sit on the couch like that?
Roz: Yeah. He looks cute.
Martin: Well, all right, but you know if you let him sit on the furniture, he's gonna think he's equal to you.
Roz: I've seen Eddie sitting on the furniture.
Martin: [laughs] You don't really want to compare this puppy to Eddie, now do you?

Quote from Martin

Roz: All I'm saying is Eddie breaks those rules.
Martin: And Hank Aaron held his bat all wrong. The great ones have always broken the rules. But first they learn the fundamentals, and that's what I'm trying to teach Frankie.
Roz: "Frankie?" You named my dog?
Martin: Well, he's got to have a name to respond to, and you were taking a long time coming up with one.
Roz: Well, Alice picked one last night. Ariel, from The Little Mermaid.
Martin: Ariel? That's a girl's name.
Roz: I know, but she likes it, so we're going to stick with it.
Martin: Oh, all right. Shouldn't screw the dog up too much.

Quote from Martin

Roz: I'm gonna take Ariel with me to pick up Alice at preschool. Where'd he go?
Martin: Think he's in the bedroom.
Roz: Ariel! Ariel! Oh shoot, I'm gonna be late. Ariel!
Martin: [quietly] Frankie?
[The dog runs out]
Roz: Not one word.

Quote from Frasier

Niles: Oh, here it is. [reads] "The camshaft is a system that opens and closes the valves." Oh right, so it's this thing here.
Frasier: Oh, right, right. Good, go it.
Niles: That was close. We almost got behind.
Frasier: We must not let that happen again.
Niles: Agreed.
Randy: ...And if you only take one thing away from this course, that should be it.

Quote from Niles

Daphne: There's my burly mechanic.
Niles: Hello, Daphne.
Daphne: Your ears must have been burning tonight. I've been bragging about you on the phone to my mum. I know I said you didn't have to take this auto class, but I rather like the idea of my man being able to rescue me by the roadside.
Niles: You do?
Daphne: Yeah. It just shows me how much you care.
Niles: Well, um, next week we're flushing radiators.

Quote from Roz

Roz: Yes, Martin, I'll be home in time to feed the puppy. I said I would be home. Okay, bye-bye. Your dad is driving me nuts about this dog.
Frasier: Roz, do you mind? We're trying to study.
Roz: Wow, that reminds me of college. Staying up all night before a big exam and wishing I'd studied instead.

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