Frasier Quote #2440

Quote from Frasier in Motor Skills

Niles: Oh, here it is. [reads] "The camshaft is a system that opens and closes the valves." Oh right, so it's this thing here.
Frasier: Oh, right, right. Good, go it.
Niles: That was close. We almost got behind.
Frasier: We must not let that happen again.
Niles: Agreed.
Randy: ...And if you only take one thing away from this course, that should be it.


 ‘Motor Skills’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Martin: You guys are really gonna do this?
Frasier: Mmm-hmm.
Martin: Monkey around with engines, get calluses and grease under your nails?
Frasier: Yes. Actually, I'm looking forward to it, Dad.
Martin: Well, good for you, Frasier. I'm impressed.
Frasier: As the enigma we call Shakespeare once wrote, "I am a true laborer. I earn that I eat, get that I wear. Owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness."
Martin: You just couldn't let me enjoy it, could you?

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Oh, would you take off those stupid goggles?
Niles: Well, I'm sorry, it's for safety.
Frasier: Nobody else wore them.
Niles: No one else wore them in gym class either, but then Tommy Fritz scratched his cornea, and then they were mandatory.

Quote from Niles

Randy: Watch me.
Frasier: So you... twist, and then pull. You see, I was twisting and pulling simultaneously, as per your instructions: "twist and pull."
Niles: In the future, the phrase "twist, then pull" might help.