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Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do

‘Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do’

Season 5, Episode 11 - Aired January 13, 1998

Frasier and Niles are worried when Daphne admits she found an engagement ring in Martin's drawers.

Quote from Sherry

Martin: It isn't easy to say goodbye, is it?
Sherry: No. It doesn't get any easier either, I should know. Listen, Marty, this is usually the time people say, "Well, let's be friends". And then, oh, there's a phone call or two but they never see each other again. Well, I just want you to know I am around for you if you ever get lonely or you just need to talk.
Martin: Thanks.
Sherry: Oh, and when you call, if a man answers, hang up.


Quote from Martin

Martin: You know, I was carrying this thing around for a month.
Frasier: Really?
Martin: Yeah, but at the end of every night I just couldn't pop the question. And then I realized it's because I knew what the answer would be. She didn't want to get married again.
Frasier: I'm sorry, Dad.
Martin: Oh, it's all right. Maybe it wouldn't have worked out between us anyway. Your Mom's a hard act to follow. I never went through anything like this with her. We knew we were meant to be together and that was that.
Frasier: It's hard to find that out, Dad. I've been trying for a while.
Martin: You'll get there. I hope we both do.
Frasier: You know, Dad, in time.

Quote from Sherry

Niles: Who's going to be attending this soirée?
Sherry: Oh, just some old friends I'm dying for Marty to meet. Now, let's see, there's Ray and Lola Sherwood. Well, I worked with them in Atlantic City when they had a knife-throwing act. Oh, now, Marty, try not to stare at her eye, she gets self-conscious. And, let's see. Oh, and Edie's coming with her new fiancé.
Martin: Oh, she finally met him, huh?
Sherry: Mm, just this week.
Niles: They're engaged and they just met this weekend?
Sherry: Well, you see, up until now, it's been kind of a pen-pal relationship. He's been... detained the last few years.
Frasier: Well, you know, you're going to need some room for those corn nuts. Why don't I just get this pesky priceless sculpture out of your way.

Quote from Martin

Martin: So, what are you guys up to tonight?
Niles: Em, our wine club is having a vertical tasting of the "Opus One."
Martin: Oh, well, don't drink too much.
Niles: Oh, it's not like that, Dad, you don't actually drink the wine. You just swish it around and spit it out.
Martin: We all did that at Duke's New Year's Eve party. Of course, it wasn't wine, it was egg salad.

Quote from Martin

Sherry: You know, that is so weird. I just got a message from my manager down at McGinty's. Some guy came in asking a lot of questions about me.
Martin: What kind of questions?
Sherry: Well, like where I used to work, the people I used to date, and the weirdest part is, my neighbor told me somebody came around asking her about me, too.
Martin: Sounds like somebody's checking up on ya'.
Sherry: You mean like a detective?
Martin: Oh no, it's probably a credit card company. Something like that, I wouldn't worry about it.
Sherry: Well, still, it is a little scary. I wish I knew who it was.
Martin: Oh, forget it, honey. I've been through this before. Private investigators never leave a trail. Really, it could be anyone.
[As Sherry goes to the kitchen, Martin gets up and walks over to Frasier and Niles]
Sherry: If you say so.
Martin: Which one of you hired him?

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Well, that is just crazy!
Martin: Oh, come on, who else would have the money to do something like that?
Frasier: I have no idea. We had nothing to do with it. Do you really think that we would hire someone to spy on Sherry? My God, I'm insulted.
Niles: As am I.
Martin: Well, all right. Maybe I jumped to the wrong conclusion.
Frasier: You most certainly have.
Martin: I'm sorry, boys.
Frasier: It's all right, Dad.
Niles: Just forget about it.
[Martin walks off to the kitchen]
Frasier: [to Niles] You hired a detective? How could you?

Quote from Frasier

Niles: I have never been so insul-!
Frasier: Niles!
Niles: Okay, I'm sorry. I was just looking out for Dad here. I mean, what do we really know about this woman?
Frasier: She makes Dad happy, that's all we need to know.
Niles: Is it? Some people do get married before they know all they should. Remember Cousin Donald? He was married two years before he found out his wife used to be a man.
Frasier: Yes, well, Cousin Donald is a very rare case. First, most people don't have a hidden past. And second, most people have a better eye for details than Cousin Donald. For God's sake, the woman could pick up a watermelon with one hand.

Quote from Frasier

Sherry: Have a nice time you two, we'll save you some cake.
Frasier: Thank you. [to Niles] You see that, how sweet she is? My God, I can't believe you're actually having that woman investigated. You know, try to have a little trust in people. [As he leaves the apartment, Frasier takes one of his precious sculptures with him.]

Quote from Niles

Frasier: You have to admit, I was right on this one. There was absolutely no justification for giving into your baser instincts of prying in Sherry's past.
Private Detective: I almost forgot. I wrote up a little report on what I found out so far. That's one interesting lady.
Niles: Well, I should have just told him to drop that in the trash. After all, we're concerned with Dad's happiness. Sometimes, Frasier, you are like the beacon piercing the fog of my baser instincts. [to waitress] Excuse me, miss, would you just drop that in the-
Frasier: Give me that. You've proven your point.

Quote from Frasier

Niles: Frasier, we're doing it for Dad's own good.
Frasier: Oh, so far, so good. Graduated from high school; almost paid off her Subaru. You know she's been married.
Niles: Yes, she mentioned that. To Johnny Dempsey.
Frasier: There were two others. Ned Foley, Mark Wallace.
Niles: That's a bit troubling. Three previous marriages?
Frasier: Vincent Mayhew, Milton Mandell, Walt...
Niles: Just give me the total.
Frasier: Six, that we know of. God, you had to go and fire that detective before he finishes report,

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