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Quote from Martin in Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do

Martin: You know, I was carrying this thing around for a month.
Frasier: Really?
Martin: Yeah, but at the end of every night I just couldn't pop the question. And then I realized it's because I knew what the answer would be. She didn't want to get married again.
Frasier: I'm sorry, Dad.
Martin: Oh, it's all right. Maybe it wouldn't have worked out between us anyway. Your Mom's a hard act to follow. I never went through anything like this with her. We knew we were meant to be together and that was that.
Frasier: It's hard to find that out, Dad. I've been trying for a while.
Martin: You'll get there. I hope we both do.
Frasier: You know, Dad, in time.

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