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Why Are We Here?

‘Why Are We Here?’

Season 1, Episode 22 - Aired April 7, 1997

As Debra loses patience with Frank, Marie and Robert always barging into the house, she and Ray think back to the cramped apartment they lived in three years ago.

Quote from Ray

Ray: You know, we might not have to move, really.
Debra: Well, we need a bigger place, Ray. We're having twins.
Ray: Well, how big a place do they need? Look where they live now.


Quote from Ray

Debra: Can I ask you something? When are you gonna get over your parents?
Ray: Debra, you don't understand what they're like. They're gonna get you, too.
Debra: I know what they're like, Ray. They're very nice people.
Ray: No! You only see them every other month. It's not the same.
Debra: You know, you're overreacting. Completely overreacting.
Ray: Close your eyes for a second.
Debra: Why?
Ray: Just close your eyes. I wanna show you something. [After Debra closes her eyes, Ray flicks her nose] Boink.
Debra: What are you doing?
Ray: Okay, see that's my mom and dad right there. They're just a little annoying. See, if I don't do that for another two months. That's not too bad. I could almost live with that. When we move across the street from them... [repeatedly flicks Debra's face] Boink, boink, boink... How does this feel? You see? They get you.
Debra: Look, first of all your parents are not this okay? [flicks Ray] Secondly, they are not gonna be over every day.
Ray: Oh, you poor, blind, fat lady.

Quote from Debra

Debra: Oh, my God. What did I do?
Ray: Pretty stupid huh?
Debra: I'll say. You know, this was all your fault.
Ray: Me?
Debra: What did I know? I was carrying twins. I had no blood in my brain.

Quote from Debra

Debra: You know, you said you weren't gonna be playing softball anymore.
Ray: No, this is my last year. We're going all the way. I'm gonna be a winner.
Debra: You're asking a lot from a game.

Quote from Ray

Debra: Okay, so this is the solar system right? We have Saturn and Pluto.
Ray: Hey, have you seen my softball stuff?
Ally: Daddy!
Debra: Honey, you're eating Jupiter.
Ray: Oh, sorry. It's got a crater in it now.

Quote from Frank

Debra: Okay, see this radish? That's going to be Mars. That's Earth's next-door neighbor.
Frank: [enters] Hey, Debra I got to use your dryer. Ours is out of whack and I got a handball game in two hours. I can't tell whether Marie washed these or if they're still damp from Tuesday's game.

Quote from Robert

Debra: Hi, Robert. How are you?
Robert: You mind if I hang around here for a while?
Debra: Sure. You're always welcome here.
Robert: I tell you Raymond you got it all a kid one on the way. Love. Kid. Another one on the way. Love.
Ray: Oh, boy. You and Joanne fighting again?
Robert: Again implies we stopped. You know why she yelled at me today? I was playing Ping-Pong during lunch.
Ray: What?
Debra: What's wrong with that?
Robert: I had fun without her.
Debra: You know you two have to talk this stuff out.
Robert: I try. I'm very big on communication. I can talk a guy off a bridge but when it comes to my wife... [grumbles]

Quote from Ray

Ray: How did the sonogram go?
Debra: Ray, you are not gonna believe-
Ray: No, no. You're giving it away right there.
Debra: I didn't even say anything.
Ray: You had that "It's a girl" look on your face.
Debra: I did not.
Ray: See, now you're telling me that it's a boy.
Debra: Stop yelling. You're making me hungry.
Ray: I'll stop yelling if you stop telling me what the baby is. Just tell me is it healthy?
Debra: Yes. And...
Ray: That's enough.
Debra: Fine. Okay. You'll find out in four months.

Quote from Ray

Ray: So you're thinking of names now?
Debra: Yeah, a little.
Ray: Are you thinking of names like Geoffrey?
Debra: Do you wanna know or not?
Ray: No, no, no. Unless you can't rest until I know.

Quote from Ray

Debra: Look at this, okay?
Ray: I don't know what the hell I'm looking at.
Debra: Okay, let me show you your handiwork. There's a leg.
Ray: Right.
Debra: That's another leg. And, oh, what's that in between?
Ray: Is that an arm?
Debra: It's not an arm.
Ray: You're damn right it's not an arm. I knew it! I knew it was a boy. Oh, you did it bulbous. Oh, this is unbelievable. A girl would have been great, too. But it's a boy! [laughs]

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