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Quote from Robert in Why Are We Here?

Debra: Hi, Robert. How are you?
Robert: You mind if I hang around here for a while?
Debra: Sure. You're always welcome here.
Robert: I tell you Raymond you got it all a kid one on the way. Love. Kid. Another one on the way. Love.
Ray: Oh, boy. You and Joanne fighting again?
Robert: Again implies we stopped. You know why she yelled at me today? I was playing Ping-Pong during lunch.
Ray: What?
Debra: What's wrong with that?
Robert: I had fun without her.
Debra: You know you two have to talk this stuff out.
Robert: I try. I'm very big on communication. I can talk a guy off a bridge but when it comes to my wife... [grumbles]

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